Bryan L

Good point. But on the other hand, they did eventually do something about King. “Saying the quiet parts out loud” isn’t necessarily a good long-term strategy, as King found out. Keeping the quiet parts quiet is generally helps when you’re trying to be racist, dishonest, sneaky and underhanded.

I’m not going to deal with the greys one at a time, but for the record:

To an extent, perhaps, which you acknowledged. But proclaiming something and then clearly having that not be true will eventually have an effect. Shouting “case closed” over and over while the House continues to call witnesses just makes Trump look more ineffective than ever.

I just can’t get over the fact that Trump thinks he can tweet something and it becomes reality, like Twitter is a genie that grants wishes.

Also a good point. It’s almost like being a petty criminal all your life doesn’t prepare you to operate in the big leagues of political corruption. 

Well, you’re right. “Embarrassment” really isn’t the right word. Maybe “self-protection.” It’s like when criminals want a witness silenced before the witness brings down the whole gang. 

Trump also doesn’t appear understand that you don’t need a confession to convict someone of a crime. Like a lot of idiots steeped in television’s legal dramas, Trump probably believes you can’t convict based on “circumstantial evidence.” No, dumbass, you can absolutely convict someone based on circumstantial evidence.

Yes. This is a point that needs to be made forcefully, over and over. Quid pro quo is also damning, but it’s not necessary to prove it. 

Indeed. I posted this in another thread, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see Republicans turn on the Trump Cartel simply because they’re so fucking amateurish and embarrassing. It’s like they’ve never even seen The Sopranos.

At this point, I’m wondering if Senate Republicans might vote to convict Trump out of sheer embarrassment. Trump and Rudy bumbling around like amateurish morons makes the whole party look bad, while also calling attention to the corruption from which they all benefit. More and more prominent Republicans are getting


No, the real story here is Trump being dunked on by Nickelback. How pathetic do you have to be to be embarrassed by Nickelback?

That’s what I find weird. Who chose Woodward? Why? Was he forced on them by someone else? The event organizers? What perspectives did they think Woodward would bring to this discussion? 

Trump is preaching to the right audience to absorb his bullshit. I posted this in another thread, but it bears repeating.

This is absolutely accurate. There is NO relationship between expertise and board membership for the vast majority of corporate boards. The things that count: 1. Connections 2. Fame/reputation 3. Appearance/diversity (yes, diversity counts to a very limited extent) 4. Availability (again to a limited extent — it’s not

He loses most of it and has to borrow what he needs from Russian mobsters. That’s what happens. 

He’s speaking at the Villages. Nobody there is going to take up arms unless they’re sure they’ll be back for the early bird special at the Sizzler. And if they take up arms, they’ll have to carry them on their Rascals. And they can’t pick out targets that are further than 8 feet away.

Yeah, I don’t like it either, but there’s no way you’ll get them to support testing themselves. And you’d have to in order to get any laws or rules passed. 

It would be tough to implement since it would be so ripe for abuse. Imagine what the GOP could do to elderly voters of color, for example. As someone who is middle-aged, I definitely would support mandatory driver testing after a certain age. I took the keys from my mother, my father-in-law had his license revoked

The elderly are extremely gullible. It has to do with deterioration of a part of the brain. It’s why elder abuse and exploitation are so common. I’ve been dealing with it with elderly relatives. My in-laws had over $50K stolen from them by an “employee,” and they will swear, scream, rant and rave that he is a “good