That’s the truly, truly stupid part. The whole Mueller thing was over, case closed, nothing to see here. Trump got away with it! And then the orange dumbfuck had to go picking open the scab.
That’s the truly, truly stupid part. The whole Mueller thing was over, case closed, nothing to see here. Trump got away with it! And then the orange dumbfuck had to go picking open the scab.
Only precisely as much as required to get her “with child” and not once more. Pence doesn’t like it, and Mother is a rabid fundamentalist who would not engage in that despicable activity for any other reason than procreation as required by “God.”
The “president” is concerned that he’s not getting his fair share of the corruption.
You’re not wrong, but Pence wouldn’t be the issue. Pence is indeed a dipshit, but Mother would be running the country. And the more I see of her, the scarier she gets. She would absolutely found Gilead if she had a chance.
If there are, you can be sure Trump cheated his contractor.
I’m okay with that. Like most narcissistic assholes, Trump doesn’t have any sort of “succession” plan because he can’t imagine a world without him in it. Plus he can’t plan further ahead than his next meal. The “faithful” will tear themselves apart trying to take his place.
C’mon, rage stroke! How is it possible this sedentary tub of Crisco hasn’t keeled over yet?
Traitor Tangerine. Alliteration is a solid branding technique.
I think Trump should earmark some of this to be used to hire a competent attorney. Relying on Better Call Giuliani hasn’t worked out too well.
Yes. Because when has Trump ever failed to take a cheap shot?
So ,,, ocher? Copper? Terracotta?
This fuckin’ guy.
Valid point.
Trump 2020: Making the Middle Ages Great Again!
So ... Trump is lying. Fox News is lying to support Trump’s lies.
I’m pretty sure you’re right and the lion could make the jump if properly motivated. A lot of zoo enclosures rely on the fact that the animal just can’t be bothered to leave. It’s a known environment, they get fed regularly, and they can’t be arsed to run around with noisy humans screaming and fleeing.
Okay, so who didn’t Trump call to ask for help in discrediting Mueller? I’m thinking that’s a much smaller list, and therefore easier to remember.
Yep. The stronger the denial, the more deeply they are involved in the crimes.
It’s greed and addictive personalities. Once you start accumulating money at that level, you want more and more and more. It’s like any other addiction. You also turn into a hoarding asshole who sees everything as a zero-sum game — if that schmuck is making $20 K a year, that’s money that should be MINE MINE MINE.…