Bryan L

Or, y’know, one of her signature “extended hands” claps. That will bring Trump into line. 

Rudy is complicit in the Trump Cartel’s crimes, so fuck him. That said, yeah, every time he ends up on one of these interviews, there’s more than a faint whiff of elder abuse. This pathetic old man should be sitting in his robe and slippers in a retirement home shouting at the TV, not appearing on it.

I think there’s a lot to your supposition. I’ve got a friend from Michigan who never even met a black person until he was in college. To this day that still blows my mind, that there are all-white towns with all-white schools and you can theoretically go your whole life only seeing black people on television. Yes,

Honestly, this was my first thought. Pence is trying to cover up some rough trade with a muscular stable hand that he couldn’t resist. Gotta tell Mother that the horse did it. Plus the horse can’t give testimony to clear his name. 

“We’re gonna put you under, Stephen. Little anesthetic, nothing to worry about You’ll wake up nice and rested.”

And why the fuck can’t rich people just go be rich? Who in their right minds would choose politics when they could be sitting by the pool in the Hamptons or wintering in the south of France?

I get your point, but I want to be clear. As an old guy who grew up in the South LONG before 2001, I was completely aware that blackface was inappropriate in any circumstance. It wasn’t appropriate in the 70s, the 80s, or the 90s. You didn’t do that shit. You were asking for an ass-kicking. Did some people do it? Of

Troubling, indeed, for it raises the possibility that Miller might spawn. Much like cockroaches, once he starts breeding, we’ll never get rid of him.

They’re fucking with the wrong pop star. Tay-tay has 87 million Twitter followers and 122 million Instagram followers (probably some overlap there). In contrast, Trump has 14 million Instagram followers and 64 million on Twitter. Fox News has a paltry 18 million followers on Twitter. They gonna get ratioed to hell.  

I’m sure he promises a tip, and somehow manages to never actually pay it. That’s his business model. 

He’s a cyborg. 

Uh, dude doesn’t even pay his contractors, and they have contracts. It’s right there in the name. No way does Fuckface McOrange tip his caddy.

Hookers don’t work for free. Also, he’s gonna need more than that. Did he learn nothing from Stormy?

That’s a fair assessment. 

B-List? I think you just gave Spicer a promotion. 


Not to mention that in the intervening years, the appearance of Kavanaugh’s genitals may well have changed.

But ... but ... I live in Florida! How can I possibly pick just one? It’s a smorgasbord of crime, incompetence, and outright evil.

Definitely guaranteed to have a better chance of success, since Trump has no morality to speak of. 

Too many stairs.