Bryan L

Second that. If we can do nothing else, let’s at least shut down the blatant theft. Surely we can manage that much?

Lucrative. It’s apparently quite lucrative. 

Yeah, people like Shapiro always ignore the part after treatment when the bills start coming in. Sure, if you make it to a hospital, they’ll do their best to keep you from dying. It’s the payment part that cripples you financially for decades, IF you’re lucky. 

True. They have a shared value system. It is, unfortunately, abhorrent to most people. But they do share it. 

They have a horrifying yet poetic beauty. 

It’s a terrifying realization. You’re like “That’s what lives around me?”

Yep. That single sentence would get a background check law passed in a week. 

Yes. My father-in-law couldn’t remember to open his mail, but he could tell you every detail about his service in WWII. And he would, over and over.

Scott stole from Medicaid. So he stole from you, too. And every US taxpayer. He’s a national blight, not a state-level one. 

Nah, Rick Scott is a professional grifter. Those buffoons in the White House wish they could steal on the scale that Scott perfected. Trump would never bring in somebody that’s better at crime than he is. 

Rick Scott was one of the worst horrors ever inflicted on Florida, and we know from horrors. He stole billions from Medicaid:

Well, yeah. They’ve been trying to drum up an enemy on the southern border, but it’s hard to make poor refugees look dangerous. And they’re even less dangerous locked in concentration camps.

Thank you. I was waiting for many people to weigh in on this matter. 

We should be so lucky. Nope, he’ll stay mustached and on-brand and try to attach himself to someone else that might share his psychopathic desire to wage war against the entire planet.

Well, I never. Surely none of the very fine people in the Trump Administration would mislead us, the public?

These two idiots look like they’re trying to sell us insurance. 

Only after they’re born. Then they’re fair game for pretty much any GOP abuse.

I have it on good authority that wind power causes cancer. 

I’ll take 3 pm, EST. Bolton’s already subtweeted Trump, and now he’s texted Fox News? I’m stunned that Trump hasn’t already started shit talking Bolton.

Trump’s business experience is confined to buying and selling real estate, and he’s completely inept at that. You can add manufacturing to the almost infinitely long list of thing Trump knows nothing about.