Sheets cost money. And getting someone to sew that pointy hood? Ain’t cheap.
Sheets cost money. And getting someone to sew that pointy hood? Ain’t cheap.
Alternatively, “White supremacy, assholery, and generally being a shitball don’t come with a paycheck. Who knew?”
Eh, that’s too close for me to call.
Sensible and appropriate reaction. There’s a reality show/book deal/endorsement package/political appointment at the end of this rainbow.
Yes, he’s clearly coming out ahead in this transaction.
Yep. It stands out. The worst thing you can do is one of those godawful cookie-cutter ads that show the candidates, then their families, then pictures of them “fighting for you” or some shit. They’re all exactly the same, and then they run a half-dozen or so back-to-back every commercial break.
I’ll bet you $50 that the Birmingham office would view that move as a upgrade.
This. If you’ve ever dealt with a narcissist at Trump’s level, you’d understand. You can make them grasp something that’s contrary to their worldview for a few minutes, sometimes, but it doesn’t stick. And anything that is retained is distorted to place them at the center of the narrative as either hero or victim.
Agreed. Sacrifices must be made for the greater good.
I think the reason it’s so damning is that it is utterly unimportant. As numerous posters have said over the last week (Jesus, it’s been a week), at any point Trump could have stopped this. He didn’t even have to admit error — he could have just. stopped. tweeting.
The apple doesn’t fall far from the whole bunch of spoiled apples, and then it’s also spoiled.
Nah, going after Taylor Swift was the worst idea. Her online following dwarfs Trump’s. Even Trump seemed to realize that, because he dropped it, which he never does. Going after Chrissy would take the second-place bad idea trophy.
Particularly since Teigen is humiliating him on his chosen battlefield, Twitter. That’s one place where Trump can’t deal with ridicule.
Honestly, if they could get this fat orange fool off Twitter, everything this administration does would instantly seem smarter. Trump’s the living embodiment of the Streisand Effect — every single communication, word, or activity exposes how appallingly stupid he is. And he can’t stop.
The plural of “anecdote” is not “data.”
Trump hates his replacement, Tim Apple.
Yes. U-6 counts a lot of people (disabled, discouraged, part-time that want full-time, etc., that the U-3 doesn’t, and is consistently much higher. Plus the U-3 counts anyone who does at least 15 hours of unpaid family work per week, which means virtually everybody. U-3 is a shit measurement.
Trump math checks out.
Good question. Where did the 7% come from? And where are they now? Are they safe?
Yes. I get the disconcerting feeling that White House staffers are now just saying anything at all to stop his tantrums.