Bryan L

This whole thing is weird. Trump didn’t write those tweets. They are in complete sentences, and don’t use any misspelled words or wOnkY Capitulazashunk or mention achomlisments.

True. Their hard drives seem to reformat daily, restoring the default operating system to “unenlightened asshole.”

Yeah, it’s pretty horrifying that all the vaunted “checks and balances” can be completely foiled by a petulant, “Nah, I don’t feel like doing that. Make me.”

That’s ... disturbingly plausible. I mean, a week ago, I would have said, nah, even Trump wouldn’t claim that. But that was before he scribbled his “corrections” on a fucking weather map. 

I quit that job shortly thereafter. In addition to her political ignorance, she was a shitty boss. Somehow those things always seem to go hand in hand as well. 

She couldn’t articulate a difference. She was also my boss at the time, so I wasn’t going to take it from “casual inquiry” to “interrogation.” 

Many people are saying that Eric Trump couldn’t find his own ass with both hands, a flashlight, and a topographical map. That’s what many people are saying. 

Ain’t it the truth. When I realized that she truly believed that actual service in Vietnam, in a war zone, was somehow outweighed by National Guard service and alcoholism in Texas, I knew this country was fucked. Wherever she is, I’m sure she’s a Trumpette now.

Trust me, I’ve seen them. My point was facetious, but honestly, any competent businessperson would realize that supporting Trump is a nonstarter with people who regularly use gyms. Stephen Ross seems to be another in a long list of stupid rich people who kiss Trump’s enormous orange ass while not realizing that it’s

When I did ride, I rode largely solo and kept as far to the right as possible. My neighborhood is plagued with bike groups of 40-50 people who spread across the road and block it. I ... do not support this activity.

I know. I still remember a Republican telling me that Swiftboating John Kerry was a perfectly legitimate activity, since Kerry was referencing his military service to aid his campaign. I asked her if Bush should avoid mentioning his service in the National Guard. She said that was completely different.

I had the same thought. Every murder occurs in an ostensibly murder-free zone. 

Seconded. I was a long-time long-distance cyclist, and it simply became safer, easier, and more consistent for me to switch to a stationary bike. I bought my own so I’m not waiting at the gym, I’ve got my own TV/DVD setup, and it lets me multitask by reading or watching programs while I pedal.

Wait, are you suggesting that Trump supporters don’t exercise?

MAGA hats for everybody! Or following the Trump model, they could promise payment and then never write a check.

So true. And yet they keep typing. It’s almost like they’re not very bright. 

This is solid Kinja right here. 

Au contraire.

This is the correct take. 

billionaire septuagenarian