Bryan L

Good points. I wonder, though, rather than being furtive, if she just started boxing things up and acting like she had been assigned this responsibility,. would everyone assume she was an aunt, cousin, hired help, etc. and just let her walk out with it? Particularly if there’s an open bar and everyone’s about

Yeah, it actually is. Definitely guarding the gifts. 

Gotta disagree about the take. We got several hundred dollars at our wedding, and that was a LONG time ago. Gift cards weren’t a thing back then, but they are now, and anybody can use them. I’ve also been hearing about this for a while, through several family weddings. It’s pretty well-known that you need to guard

Well, think about it. This imbecile tried to turn some bullshit Children of the Corn mock election into a wide-ranging conspiracy. And it’s Fox News, so they are basically contractually obligated to nod sagely and pretend that this idiocy is somehow wisdom, and that this gibbering buffoon actually has a point.

That’s basically it. This sack of shit is willing to hold his own mother up for ridicule from his right-wing sycophants to drum up clicks.

Millions of illegal immigrants put kernels in the Democratic bowls. 

You’re not wrong, but it would be nice to get some of the other scumbags before she meets that fate. 

I guess “best people” really depends upon your basis of comparison. As the latest in a long cavalcade of idiots that have passed through the Trump Administration, this guy seems about par.

This. Largely because the people who do the actual bootstrapping are:

This is true. You can’t always avoid them. And, as someone who once had the worst, filthiest, foulest neighbors imaginable move in next to me (I actually moved to get away from them, and rented for decades to keep from ever being “trapped” again), they can serve a purpose. That said, you better make damn sure the

And they try it for days on end!

Coal mining. Duh. 

Trump’s stable genius brain operates on a level so bigly, he sees all time zones as one. The average liberal can’t handle more that two-three time zones, tops.

I’m afraid you’re right. My guess is that Maxwell is dead, and if she is still alive, she won’t be for long. Unless tapes and pictures turn up, this is over. And I’d bet Epstein’s properties have already been turned inside out. The list of suspects is too wide-ranging, and they all have a lot of resources to make this

Wait, you know flying humans? Oh, sorry you meant the pollution thing. 

Nah. That almost makes a tiny bit of sense. Trump would never buy into it. He prefers to promote absolutely impossible bullshit. 

Came here to say something about wind and Trump’s hair, but your picture is worth a thousand stars. 

As a corollary to playing the victim, she’s also invoking the charge of “racism” to describe literally anything, which has the effect of:

Oh, get out of here with your logic and analysis and facts and common sense, Sherlock Holmes. None of those support my agenda, and none of those will convince rubes to send me money. Therefore, your words have no place here.

It does make more sense for right-wing “actors” to snuff Epstein. Also, Epstein was in federal prison controlled by a federal agency, and who’s in charge of the federal government? Nobody named Clinton. The mental gymnastics required to blame this on HRC are astonishing. But apparently that’s a Monday for QAnon.