If you figure it out, send me an outline of the “failing upward” process. I’d like to get in on it, too.
If you figure it out, send me an outline of the “failing upward” process. I’d like to get in on it, too.
His shtick doesn’t work without enemies. His followers will wander back to their trailer parks and 55-and-older communities if he can’t keep them in a stage of faux outrage.
Yes. It’s too efficient a soundbite to have been thought up by MAGAs. He needed a replacement for “lock her up” and his vile staff came up with one and introduced it.
What in the holy fuck is happening!?
Give Trump a little more time. We’ve not yet seen a situation that is so despicable that Trump can’t somehow manage to make it even worse.
Right there right now. Republican mother-in-law is realizing that father-in-law is going to have a $5,000 per month co-pay (yes, that’s 20% co-pay, not the full bill) for nursing home care. Medicaid requires her to eliminate most of her assets to cover his care. But hey, Trump stands up to brown people so she voted…
When you care enough to send the very best.
But what if he had an undocumented nanny from ages 1-5? Gotcha!
Sure. It’s being handled by the same team that’s investigating their racist Facebook group. Justice will be served any moment now.
Well, we all know that President Apprentice is too spineless and cowardly to fire anyone to his face, so getting Bolton to rage-quit is probably the plan
I honestly think he’s scared of public opinion. People generally disapprove of shipping our troops off to another part of the world to accomplish nebulous objectives with limited to no chance of success.
That was my thought. Bolton and his mustache will be shown the door.
Came here for this.
Alternatively, he’s saying “Trump doesn’t have a problem with you if you’re one of the good [fill in the blank].” Good is of course defined as bowing to Trump’s authority.
I see what you’re saying, but the net effect is to create a false legitimacy to these people and their viewpoints. Just being interviewed by CNN, even if you’re espousing racism, is enough to sway people who might otherwise completely ignore you. “Hey, Spencer’s on CNN. See, we’re gaining traction. Let’s go terrorize…
Yes. It creates a false equivalency and adds a false legitimacy to the “other side,” All they have to do is say “as reported on CNN” and they get instant credibility with people who are to stupid or lazy to actually see what was reported. Even then, anybody predisposed to that “viewpoint” sits back and says, “See?…
And CNN is just stupid for bringing him on.
Bingo. Posted the same thing above. This is a show he’s putting on to scam old people out of their votes. He spends all his free time watching porn. Probably gay porn.
No, he doesn’t. This whole shtick is just a show he’s putting on to get votes in Alabama from old people who actually remember those shows. He’s watching porn. Guaranteed. Religion is just another grift for these people.
They operate with a different definition of “public servant.” Their definition involves transferring tax dollars, paid only by the poor and middle class, into their pockets. If you use that definition, it all makes perfect sense.