Bryan L

Yes. My guess is he’s much more of a “procurer” than a blackmailer. Blackmail might be implied, but I suspect his “success” is based on catering to the depravities of specific rich men. 

This aspect of this whole sordid shitshow isn’t getting near enough attention. “Defender of pedophile makes it easier for other pedophiles to traffic human beings.” 

Attorneys: Mr. Epstein hasn’t been caught raping anybody in the last 14 years.

even in puberty’s lascivious grip, I was still the master of my own body and actions, and therefore responsible for both

I’m sure he counted on wealth and connections to protect him. From what I’ve read, the girls were typically from disadvantaged backgrounds. Epstein probably figured, hey, it’s her word against mine. As long as there’s no evidence, well, no problem there. And clearly he went to great lengths to destroy any evidence. 

Good question. And the answer, according to the Washington Post, is “few.”

I’ve posted about this before, but yes, constant exposure to Fox News can alter personalities:

That’s the worst superhero name I’ve ever heard. 

It’s particularly cushy when you can spout whatever vile shit bubbles to the surface of your brain, instead of doing research and uncovering facts. 

It may simply be that he wants to make sure there’s no DNA left behind from rape, rather than actual murder, either from the victims, himself, or his criminal associates. Let’s hope none of the victims were murdered. But damn, this is seriously creepy. 

This. You have struck the heart of the matter. 

The racism is what appalls me.

This is the Trump administration. The clues are in the denials. You can be certain it’s the exact opposite of what they’re saying:

Username checks out. This theory is confirmed. 

It’s possible. Arrogance has been the downfall of many an asshole. 

I assumed that went without saying, but since you said it, yes, I agree. 

They can live up to 60 years. And he ain’t gonna get nicer as he gets more crotchety. 

You’re not wrong. “Collateral damage” it is, then. 

Yes, our Kellyanne is a tactical genius. There’s no way to expose Trump now.

I dunno. I think pedophilia is still going to be a serious problem for him. He’s going to keep denying he’s ever even heard of Epstein. However, I do expect a declaration of war on Iran.