I have no doubt he’s got tapes and/or pictures. None. The question becomes, what will it take to get him to give them up? I think he’s smart enough not to have them hidden somewhere easy to find.
I have no doubt he’s got tapes and/or pictures. None. The question becomes, what will it take to get him to give them up? I think he’s smart enough not to have them hidden somewhere easy to find.
You’re probably right, but let’s just go ahead and investigate him so we can rule that out. Better safe than sorry.
Yep. If Clinton is involved, too bad for him. If he has to face charges to get to Trump, well, that’s well within the realm of acceptable losses.
Yeah, the Democratic strategy is currently “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em,” even though they actually did beat them in 2018. That’s just not going to resonate with a lot of people who are angry about what’s happening in our country.
Pictures or it didn’t happen.
Yeah, this creep already had a penchant for recording these activities. Then you combine that with the fact that virtually every single one of Trump’s business associates kept detailed records of their interactions for self-protection.
No, no, we’re not talking about Trump as a whole, we’re talking about a specific behavior. Though I see how you can confuse the two.
I think it stems from his “career” as a shady and criminal real estate developer. He just developed the habit of ... well, let’s call it “hyperbolic contradiction.” He literally says not only the exact opposite, but then additionally claims perfection. So if someone called one of his properties a run-down tenement,…
Let’s face it, the guy’s an amateur. He should’ve consulted with his Republican colleagues on how to best conceal misconduct. I’m sure they have regular lunch-and-learns.
Fuck you, Hunter
Yes, that’s exactly what someone who is proud of his academic record would do!
Someone would have to read the questions to Trump. That, in itself, tells us what we need to know about his “intelligence.”
It’s definitely patronizing. And seriously, who in their right fucking mind would take advice from Trump on any topic? Let’s face it, even his best buds Vlad and Kim snicker at him behind his back. Well, I’m sure Vlad snickers at him to his face and Trump laughs with him because he doesn’t get that he’s the joke.
One step closer to a rage stroke ...
Of course. What, are we amateurs here? That’s child’s play for a country that faked a lunar landing. Deep state, baby, we do. not. play.
They damn sure ain’t buying Dyson.
I already covered that. We’ve got a team of Kenyan agents forging a US birth certificate as we speak. We are masters of this process.
Probably. President Petty-as-Fuck can’t let something like that slide. He thinks he can hurt media companies by tweeting negative things about them, but it always backfires. But he keeps doing it because he’s incredibly stupid.
I’m sure we can manufacture a US birth certificate for him. Get Obama’s people on it!
Gig economy, man. It’s not just for poors.