Probably wouldn’t tune it, but would definitely click on the YouTube video.
Probably wouldn’t tune it, but would definitely click on the YouTube video.
That stylist is supernaturally persuasive. It goes beyond revenge into the realm of Jedi Mind Tricks.
Noble effort, my friend, though I fear doomed to failure. But I applaud you for challenging ignorance.
Yep. Classified aircraft. The simplest explanation that fits all the facts is usually the correct one.
Final tally today said 19,000 and change. So no sell-out crowd, no standing room only, no hundreds of thousands of ticket requests (or whatever Trump inflated it to today). This reality will be denied by Trump in a tweet today, I should imagine.
There are significant similarities. One of the old terms for adjuncts at multiple campuses was “freeway flyers” because of the significant distances between college campuses. Remember, you’re capped at 2-3 classes per college, so that means you have to get work at at least two different colleges to eke out a substance…
Florida adjunct here. I have a full-time job, so I am just doing it for extra money and to basically pave the way for a retirement career. Most of the other adjuncts I’ve spoken to do not have full-time jobs and are eking out a living working at two or more colleges. That’s a bit of a skewed sampling but I haven’t yet…
He will. But yeah, I posted above. The Amway wasn’t full. There are plenty of pictures of empty seats.
There wasn’t any overflow. The arena wasn’t even full. It was a pretty large crowd, I’ll grant him that, but the upper decks were very sparse. You can see it in the pictures. It definitely wasn’t a sellout, and he definitely didn’t have 74,000 people on a waiting list.
Wait, what? A Republican fundraiser screwed a foreign national by selling bullshit tickets to Trump’s inauguration, depriving said foreign national of the opportunity to curry favor with the Trump Administration?
The gulag is for minor infractions. If you seriously piss Vladimir off:
Finally. Now that management has weighed in, we can stop all this nonsense. Trump really doesn’t want a session with Putin’s HR department.
Pretty sure he thinks the elevator is on strike for better living and working conditions. He heard that was going on in France and assumed it’s spread to both Austria and inanimate objects.
Hell, I’d vote for him. He’s too smart to run for office, though. Which is sad, in and of itself.
No doubt. But that won’t help when all his undocumented labor flees. He’ll either have to hire citizens at minimum wage (at least) or lose business. Either way, he takes a hit.
There you go. The Village-Idiot-in-Chief will end up shutting down his own properties. He’ll be really unhappy with Stephen Miller if he ever figures it out.
Honestly, those might be a little abstract for most people. I think Dems should attack Republicans on the areas they “claim” to support. They want to protect babies? Get pictures of that poor mother and child in a cage and blast that shit everywhere. They claim to want fiscal responsibility? Scream about the massive…
This could easily be done without even resorting to lies. Trump is committing atrocities on the border ( That’s just one. There are a thousand things the Republicans are guilty of that could be trumpeted to the…
Well, I’m glad you’re here.
Yes. I keep saying it, but the GOP is playing a game of inches. Every day gets them closer to gerrymandered elections, which puts them in power for yet another term, which gives them more opportunities to further disenfranchise voters. Every delay lets them twirl their moustaches and hatch out new schemes.