
It’s a bit surprising to see this debate proliferating now, as human women have existed on Earth for at least five million years[.]

But it’s not actually possible according to a lot of people. There are tons of people who would say that simply asking that question makes you transphobic, even if it’s asked in good faith. I’ve seen it plenty of times here.

That does not work for obvious reasons. The height of volleyball nets is different in men’s and women’s competition. Basketball sizes are different. In gymnastics they don’t compete on all of the same apparatuses. So who gets to have the standard if sports get combined? Because we all know that will go. 

Can anyone cite or provide links to any polls or surveys on how other female athletes feel about this issue? What I've seen feels like a 60-40 split in favor of letting them compete, but that could just be the bias of my timeline. However, I do think it's extremely important that we allow the women competing against


I am triggered by Donna’s blatant racism, sexism, and overall bigotry. Kinja save me!!!

@”Not A Real”

You and BAO are the only people who are “ aggressively trying to cast people who disagree with your view as anti-trans bigots and liars”, while also literally calling me anti-trans but also accusing me of “ aggressively trying to cast people who disagree with your view as anti-trans bigots and liars”.

So which is it- am I anti-trans or an overzealous ally because your reply is mind-bendingly hypocritical? You can’t call me both, that my post of the study was grey-area anti-trans sentiment but also that “Not every person who disagrees with you is anti-trans or an attack on you personally".

So if I claim to be a woman and at the next olympics I single handedly break every single woman’s record you would have absolutely zero issues with it? If I claim to have gender dysphoria I can become the GOAT? Sweet. Can’t wait to see how this plays out. Is having .0005% of women able to compete as women worth

What do you call people who advocate for trans rights? I call them Trans Rights Advocates, or Trans Rights Activists. Is there another term? 

You are the only person who has implied that the TEMPORARY advantage isn’t temporary. You’re twisting or just blatantly fabricating things that people didn't write- you do understand these comments were written yesterday and cannot be edited, so everyone can see that you're making shit up to stir anti-Trans

I NEVER wrote “trans women retain an edge forever”, so why are you twisting my comment? You’re the only person who wrote that- just now in your own comment is the first time that was written in this ENTIRE comment section. Do not attribute transphobic comments to me- I didn’t write that, and in fact I wrote SEVERAL

1) If an article mentions transwomen you are sure to show up and attack anyone in the comments section whose reply is anything other than “transwomen are women”. While you didn’t egange in a personal attack you were very hostile to literally every person here. Your reply, “Who the fuck cares”, to my reply about

Define woman. If anybody who claims to be a woman is automatically defined as a woman then essentially gender designations in sports are useless. If gender is a useless metric then open up all sports to all people. You can no longer proclaim that ANYTHING is an advantage because you know limitless potential and all

It’s not worth engaging with them. I suck at remembering names so I replied to them not realising they were the same dogmatic/irrational asshole I’ve told myself repeatedly not to engage with. And it’s not just this issue, they’re like that about everything. Don’t waste your time. 

I’ve watched you attack so many people on this site, and admit that you aren’t trans, that I believe you’re intentionally hurting the trans community. There’s no reason to alienate allies like you do unless you’re actively bringing down the community. You’ve turned allies into “fine, whatever, I don’t care anymore”

The biological woman who doesn’t have a fair chance to compete absolutely cares.  And if testosterone levels are “No Big Deal” then why is doping not allowed?  Advantages and disadvantages in sports don’t matter right?  Let em all dope to the gills and remove gender from sports and well... fuck.

Were you trying to illustrate JPlum’s point about both sides being irrational and ignoring science? Because it’s spot on.

Why are you so fucking hostile?