
Exactly! Like, I’m all for inclusive language, but when the group that the term defines says, over and over again, that the term isn’t the one to use, just give up. Come on, y’all.

You would think after EVERY SINGLE TIME “Latinx” is used it’s received major backlash from actual Latino people that they’d get the picture, but nope! Let’s not listen to them!

There already IS a gender-neutral word, though: Latine. Latinx is not only a much stupider option (only slightly less stupid than “womxn”) but it doesn’t even work in its native language.

Maybe I’ll check this out; it looks soapy enough for me. I’ll also chime in to note that the term “Latinx” is worthless, and derided by actual Latinos. Using it doesn’t make you inclusive, it makes you look like a fool.

Hilarious. Another crisis of democracy. Let’s pretend that the economy is not cratering. Let’s pretend that the supply chain is not getting worse. Let’s pretend that schools are not failing our kids. Let’s pretend that Biden is not trying to gin up a war. Those are just a few items that we are to ignore, and I didn’t

I think we all agree that when the GOP gets control of the senate again, they will abolish the filibuster to ramrod through a slew of anti-democratic legislation designed to suppress the will of the majority even further.

I have to call out the hypocrisy in excluding some women from “feminism” while including men. How in hell can you defend reproductive rights while using Orwellian, misogynist terms like “pregnant people”? This is faux intersectionality. Only adult female humans become pregnant! Jezebel has lost the plot and harmed

I... I can kinda see where she’s coming from. I’m not comfortable enough yet to say “She’s right” or “She’s wrong”, but her stating definitively that she thinks “trans lives matter” and “trans lives are human rights” goes a long way already for me, in the face of her whole controversy.

I also have a problem with it. It’s a classic example of meaning drift;

No where close to being that, this goes back to the nuance and understanding and being quick to react.

Also, as he points out, this ‘news’ has been manufactured from a month-old podcast. So this AV Club post is clearly, lazily ripping off the Newsweek article without sourcing it.

tbf an epilogue in which all the characters start to use gender pronouns for each other, start polymerous relationships, dismantle the white cis hetero patriarchy and decolonize their beliefs would have been a bit out of left field.  

Stewart made it clear in a follow up clip, posted elsewhere in these comments, that he was joking and doesn’t think Rowling is antisemitic. Those quotes were taken out of context by Newsweek and repeated here bythe AV club uncritically. 

As a half-Jew, I have to say that part is just factual, though.

I’m a far (socially+economically) Leftist millennial progressive you fucking moron.

I’m seeing far more misogyny than concern about Jews here.

The piling on is becoming unseemly. 

Even with an adblocker on I had to scroll through about 30 ads just to get to the FIRST ARTICLE on the Latest page.  WTF... Just board up the fucking doors already.

When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman – and, as I’ve said, gender confirmation certificates may now be granted without any need for surgery or hormones – then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth.”

Pointing or the fact that trans people will NEVER be the biological gender that they do desist pretend to and want to be is neither bigoted nor transphobic. Just factual. You might also revisit the definition of “phobic” as Rowlings has never shown an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to trans people. She has