
LMFAO TRAs are the only folks I’ve seen who really use “TERF.” You’re talking with a person with no sense of irony. 

you’re so aggressively trying to cast people who disagree with your view as anti-trans bigots and liars” LMFAO 🤣 the irony never stops...


Yes. Much hard-won, LGB progress IS in danger of being undone by homophobic T “rights” activism.

...nor working to destroy sex-segregated spaces, either. 

That explains a lot. Thanks.

Just posting this again ‘cause it seems to’ve disappeared:

The word “gender” properly refers to a grammatical quirk of inflected (European) languages, not to how one’s sex organs work or to one’s role in society. Forcing words to do double-duty leads to confusion.

The problem is that male violence makes us unsafe.”

women and people with vaginas.


Some of us are genuinely trying to learn and understand more, and not just insidiously putting forth bad faith arguments.”

“Equality” for transwomen isn’t compatible with equality for women. TRAs have shown it to be a zero-sum game by causing longstanding rights of women to be removed. Women aren’t going to be bludgeoned into acceptance, however: that is the significance of JKR’s brave stand. You may have noticed that public perception

You’re calling Yttrium a troll? My god you’re a partisan idiot.

They toss it at anyone they want to silence. 

Now THAT book would be boring AF.

I have to call out the hypocrisy in excluding some women from “feminism” while including men. How in hell can you defend reproductive rights while using Orwellian, misogynist terms like “pregnant people”? This is faux intersectionality. Only adult female humans become pregnant! Jezebel has lost the plot and harmed

Man, you make Jezebel readable again. Thank you.

You are advocating that we do away with sex as a legal category and replace it with (your definition of) gender.