Brosa Parks

A friend of mine and his wife went shopping at Target after her water broke.

A vacation of wins sounds delightful.

Wayne’s World. The post you originally replied to is a joke from/reference to that movie and the gif I posted is also from it.

Yep. Watched a whole Mega Machines (I think?) documentary on a new cargo ship with an ice breaking butt. When it gets to ice it just turns out, breaks through, then turns around again is open water.

You should not respect or admire anyone having that opinion. You need to talk to your shop steward about this bitch.

Not to mention the thing has a damn trunk. Why a rack at all?

I had a coach in high school that would give us shit for not celebrating enough. Nothing we did we enthusiastic enough. He wanted salsa dancing around the corner flag type shit. I did none of it. I did not make the team.

Just looked it up. It’s been a very long time since I’ve seen that movie. Disappointed I didn’t get it. Womp womp.

Apparently not.

I don’t know what any of this means but I appreciate your dedication.

This video was made for the sole purpose of starting recline/no recline arguments in the comments.

I’m an adult and don’t want fucking pasta salad for dinner. That dude is lucky she didn’t spit in it.

Also, if you’re actually paying attention to the game you can get a pretty decent idea of what the added time will be based on how many injuries, subs, misc. delays there are. It’s not terribly difficult.

It doesn’t look as bad as I thought it would.

Announcers: “He almost had no choice than throw some up and in when he’s doing that.”

I can eat a full Chipotle burrito, with double meat and chips/salsa on the side, and go back for a whole other burrito three hours later. It’s a gift.

No one made it out of that party in good shape. I swear I was still hungover the next weekend.

Accepting the invitation to “Franzia Fest” was one of my worst college choices.

Dumb Jalop outrage over cars they don’t own aside, this dude is guilty of speeding. Maybe reckless operation. He didn’t hurt anyone. He didn’t cause an accident. Nothing happened.