Brosa Parks

Are these situations tense or is just, “ugh, damn Russians again...” and you go up and get on with it and it’s not a big deal?

That’s the biggest crime here.

Uh, might want to double check that score.

Probably not.

I have no idea why you’re angry. Anyway, that is an interesting article. I had no idea there were so many different models taught throughout the world. I had only heard of the 7 continent model and the 4 continent model. I like how the 3 continent model just sort of ignores Australia.

From a continent perspective, yes. Central America is a region of the North American continent.

Weird. I know someone from Plevin, Bulgaria.

Ha. I never realized the first letter of those plates matches the school.

I went to visit a friend at USC recently and that city is awful. And I’m from Cleveland.

I don’t give a single shit about any of this but just wanted to say Bob Mould is awesome.

I just realized this article is very old. No idea how I missed that...

That is why I have one. I like the simplicity. I am hardly a hipster but definitely have a “hipster bike.” Less parts, less to maintain, less to go wrong. The trick is finding the appropriate gear ratio for the area you live. Takes some trial and error. I have a mountain bike as well with a 1x10 system on it because

Ugh. I once had one of those “psh, I’m good” situations and rode home from a friends house pretty drunk. It was the scariest mile of my life.

It’s Gizmodo. I think excitement is a LAN party with 2 cases of Mountain Dew instead of 1.

Most definitely fishnets.

Oh look, another article where no one gave a shit about your car. You’d think you would get the hint by now.

That would be awesome, but I bet it would look pretty wacky with a cage welded in.

Coaching for the Browns finally got to him.

Ah, lied about the circumstances not its existence. Got it!

Curious how she lied about it. Said she had one (to look badass?) and didn’t or had one and said it was an ingrown hair?