
The predominantly black Frontline of most teams are gonna have fun with this bozo. What’s better than sacking a QB? Sacking a rascist douchebag QB. 

Nothing brings solace to victims of crimes quite like Scantron forms collated and analyzed by a computer and a nameless bureaucrat. Aside from pressuring Al Franken to resign, what has she really accomplished? She did some work with sexual assault reporting in the military but that didn’t really address the

Came here to write the same thing. When I worked in catering, we would use them to polish glassware.

I don’t understand how a company the size of EA couldn’t build multiple engines. Given their market cap they probably could have purchased (the company that makes) Unreal. 

Thank you for for yet another in depth examination of game making. To me, your article highlights continued failures of leadership at all levels, the insistence on Frostbite, and indecisiveness of the leadership is damning. Any board with an iota of governing competency should be considering a wholesale reexamination

Or a Physics textbook. Although he probably would throw that away too. The only surefire way to avoid it getting tossed would be to transcribe the contents onto a cabbage. No way he’d chance it, those things are deadly...

I suspect that ED’s are universally stressful, understaffed, and under resourced. I’m not what the burnout rate is Australia, but I bet it’s on par with the US, Britain, and Canada.

Most people give up after the first or second denial of coverage. Very few people have the time or resources to advocate for their health effectively. Automatically denying claims is therefore cheaper overall.

That’s exactly what I was going to post. I suspect that the reluctance of investors is mostly due to this and not misogyny or racism as implied by the article. After getting burned spectacularly, very few (non-biotech) investment companies are going to support this. Unlike other “tech” VC’s Biotech is very data

It depends on the model. The Golf is extremely reliable and a more nicer vehicle than most other vehicles in this segment. The Jetta tends to have slightly more problems b/c VW does more cost saving with that vehicle.

That story is even more aggravating given that women are at a significantly higher risk for ACL injuries than men. That fact alone should have led to additional testing and examination. That’s some shitty clinical judgement. I’m glad that your sister was able find a good MD before suffering irreversable damage to her

I would be very curious to see how the data worked out if medical professionals (e.g. EMT, MD, NP, PA, RN, etc.) were evualted instead. I suspect that racial and gender disparities would be less prevelent with children and exaggerating with adults.

Preach brother. Whenever someone pulls that anti-vaxx crap, I tell them to visit a graveyard and count the number of children's grave markers before and after the polio vaccine was introduced. It's surprisingly effective.

Orac is awesome, I've been reading his stuff for years. Thanks for pointing it out for other people.

Speaker Pelosi said, rather eloquently, what all men (who were raised properly) think. As a man, I don’t consider Trump to be worthy of that descriptor. At best he’s a petulant child.

Maybe this update will actually allow me to make and place calls again on my Pixel again! Thank you for breaking my phone with Android 9.0 Google, it was so thoughtful of you.

Were you a Marine? My friends who served in the Corp, tended to have much crappier gear than my friends in other branches of the military.

That’s a reasonable question but one your doctor probably won’t be able to answer. Given the Byzantine reimbursement and billing of insurance, coupled with inconsistent pricing of services from providers, it’s nearly impossible to predict accurately.

While the visuals may have been optimized for the "male gaze", the olfactory experience certainly wasn't. Every VS combined the smells of the worst Yankee candles coupled with Glade plugins. Perhaps this was intentional, as the miasma foiled all but the most stalwart males. 

$2000 says that he can't read.