
Boden may have several dresses that fit your requirements (I actually thought that’s where the dress you showed came from). Prices seem to be pretty reasonable.

Have my star you glorious bastard!

This should be bumped to the top of the comments.

I pay a yearly excise tax on my car in MA. The amount is determined by the year, sales price, and (IIRC) milage. The most I’ve had to pay was about $150 and drops overtime to some base fee ($40 maybe). I’m pretty sure that Me, NY, VT, and CT, have similar taxes.

Came here to write the same thing. 

By doctors do you mean general practitioners or an orthopedic surgeons? The right GP could provide a diagnosis but won’t know the best treatment options and their outcomes.

I purchase most of my clothing from them. They’re one of the few brands that don’t cater (entirely) to muscle free hipsters or men over 5'10 with Dad bodies.

That's the natural consequence of fast-fashion. You can't make a profit, crank things out on a 3 month cycle and have quality. It just doesn't  work. 

Everytime I see that I think of what would happen if the airbag deployed. Unsecured dogs are potentially lethal projectiles in a car crash too. 

“Judge not my TV watching.”

Yup. I kept expecting some line about a nanny or au pair. Also one of the few parents that doesn't use planning software to micromanage their children.

You might want to hold off on the series in that case. The Broken Earth’s narrative is phenomenal, utterly unique, but dark. Not the book I would turn to for levity.

JavaScript doesn't bring her joy...

I don’t know why this study was allowed to proceed in the first place. Nitric oxide (sindafinil potentiates its release) is a pleotropic signalling molecule with a well established role in fetal development.

As do I. I hope Kirsten Gillibrand is happy...

I refuse to date anyone below the rank of Viscountess or Barroness. I might consider a Dowager Countess but I would have to consult Burke’s Peerage first.

If you want a review with some sort of standardized testing and metrics, Alex isn’t going to deliver. (Hell, she tends doesn’t include units or values on graphs.) I think of her “reviews” as product announcements not analysis. Notebook check and (sometimes) Tom's hardware are a better source of in depth testing.

A movie would be cool, bit I'd prefer a series like Game of Thrones. The inter-house politics is too complicated for a mass-market film. The Way of the Clans could be adapted into a movie but you'd need a massive budget and all-star directors/screenwriters.

I wonder how many of these were purchased by landlords? I’m not sure about the UK, but Carbon Monoxide detectors are required by law for apartments (in most of) the US. I can easily see how an unscrupulous landlord, forced with having to equip a whole building or buildings, would opt for such cheap devices.

They should also include a feature to let people who “liked” or shared fake news or assorted viral crap that the post had been debunked. It isn’t enough to block crap. You have to give people the opportunity to learn, and that only comes through feedback.