
Oh Instagram, how your star has tarnished. Prior to the Algorithm change, I spent about an hour a day on it. Now I average that hour over the course of a week. More intrusive adds and unneeded e-commerce are not going to up my “engagement.”

The data from the diagnostic port is incontrovertible evidence, effectively blocking that defense. As much as dislike the idea in most circumstances, I hope that officers could obtain a time stamp of all SMS messages after a crash (with a warrant of course). Combined with the ODB port data, fault could be properly

Thanks for the great article. As I was reading it, I thought about how our longest wars have potentiated great advances in and normalization of prosthetics.

Agreed, some counterpoint from more traditional viewpoints would be welcome and make for a more interesting discussion. Some facets of masculinity are clearly social constructs but that shouldn’t automatically disqualify their value.

It would be helpful to include a list, or a link to, states that haven’t or have already passed the ERA.

Are you sure about that price? $7,000 annually is very cheap compared to most other biologics. Most of the (non-oncology) drugs cost at least $1,000 per month.

Pass legislation barring sexual harrasment before the sexy, young, impressionable, interns arrive for the Summer? Are you MAD?

You know what works better than shaming companies? Legislation that allows the government to negotiate drug prices (like every other major economic power).

That’s especially true in the world of Science as changing one’s last name invariably screws up their publication record. (Some job applications screen candidates based on the aggregate impact factor of your publications.) Name recognition is also really important in PR and sales positions.

It depends on the meal and the market. Most restaurants in large cities want to turn tables as fast as possible. Unless you ordered something really complicated, it shouldn’t take longer than 15-20 minutes. Most restaurant menus will warn you if a particular dish is going to take longer. Restaurants in California

My wife fit her entire room into a two-door Impreza, including an overstuffed armchair. I don’t know about moving, but she, her best friend, and four other girls roadtripped in an Integra.

This ruling is almost certain to get overturned upon appeal. It’s very clear that this judge lacks the sufficient knowledge and experience to properly evaulate the underlying claims and expert testimony.

Perhaps I missed it, but I’m surprised that Annie Sprinkle wasn’t mentioned. I went to need her talks when I was in college (many years ago) and she touched on many of the same themes as lust. There was even a near identicle moment when one of the female audience members asked about directing porn.

Headshots were pretty rare. The table top game had additional (steep) modifiers for weapons range and movement. It actually was pretty hard to Target any location specifically until the the introduction of targeting computers and pulse lasers post Clan Invasion circa 3050-ish.

I didn’t know that your character couldn’t die. I’ve been alternating missions between my character and Medusa. Looks like my commander is gonna be leading from the front from now on.

He was my first casualty.

Oh yes. Several missions have faulty intelligence. I’ve encountered two missions that were patently impossible with my current force composition. Others are just waaaay more challenging than expected. On those two occasions, I was able to do some damage before turning tail; thus preserving my outfit’s reputation.

I retreated from a similar mission. The SRM carriers knocked down one of my mechs, and every damn enemy took potshots at the cockpit. I don’t know how but my pilot survived, but she did. I bravely ran away as soon as possible.

Yes, the force of the air bag can dislocate or break joints. Plus, having your elbows lined up that way points them nicely at your spleen and other, highly vascular organs. Countries that teach “shuffle steering” have fewer post-crash organ transplants and associated mortalities/morbidities.

And you shall call her Mariposa.