
I suffered through a bunch of those shows with my now wife. I can understand why some women would choose those dresses but it was always super icky when their dad’s would say how beautiful their daughters were in super-revealing outfits.

You should take a look at bridal consignment shops. My wife paid $800 for a dress that was originally $4,000. Also, get a dress that’s slightly larger so that it can be tailored to you. A properly tailored dress will make you look thinner and sexy vs. trying to squeeze into a too small or just fitting dress.

Thank you for posting.

One of my friends had one, parts.for this beast are obscenely expensive. Despite appearances, very few parts are common with the more pedestrian V70. Case in point, replacing one of the headlights cost nearly $1,000.

“...patients recovering from major heart surgery deemed to have no nearby friends or family based on their Facebook profile.”

I do love that clip, one many Vassar references and jokes.

Went to a wedding in Nova Scotia and Google/Waze reccomended a mountain “road” only passable in a heavily modified off-road vehicle. The best man managed to get about 1/2 the way up in a rental car and then had to back down to the beginning.

Profesional male scientist seconding your experience.

Home renovation sure seems easy in a state that has minimal to non-existent zoning and construction standards.

Scanning technology simply isn’t there yet. Even a high resolution MRI cannot adequately capture the complex structure of neural pathways with the requisite fidelity.

I was going to post something similar, have a star, good sir or madam.

In before the inevitable “reproducibility crisis” comments.

Apple should have implemented this years ago. Merging high power with portability, and proprietary connectors, are part of their design philosophy. Sure, you could cludge something together at great expense and difficulty but they ceded leadership to competitors (Razer, and Dell/Alienware).

One of my male friends is a gynecologist, there’s nothing remotely sexy about that job.

Came here to post that, thank you for beating me to it.

It’s very effective during car rides. Along with established personal space, and reducing conflict via a lack of eye to eye communication, neither person can easily leave. Plus, a car ride is usually a finite amount of time. (Sometimes, the possibility of a protracted conversation prevents one from occuring in the

Me too. Given the scale of the recall I doubt they have parts, but they should follow up at a minimum.

Nah, that’s not disinformation. I think it’s the treatment for the third Deadpool movie

Yup, it should be family leave. Many of us have aging parents that require the same amount of assistance as a child.

Also, make sure that your cleats are properly installed. My first fall happened becausey cleats were loose, making it impossible to get my foot free. I laughed all throught the cartoonist fall.