
What the fuck are you on about? Unwanted pregnancies are a huge concern for Males of any age (and especially for those under 35). I don’t know what experience your statement is based upon, but it is not representative of the vast majority of men.

Why worry your pretty little head about it? Surely your husband knows best.

The coverage of Male contraceptives is a prime example of inadequate science journalism. As you correctly show, the hype hasn’t matched the outcomes.

Medical systems usually have multiple, redundancies and are robust. Despite all that, failure happens. As a tech person, I’m sure you’ve had to deal with automated systems “shitting the bed” despite engineering controls/backups.

I’m sure they did, but if the liquid level or temperature sensors fail, none of those responses would be triggered. (I’ve encountered those issues several times over the years.)

This is the result of poor planning. Cryo storage uses liquid nitrogen vapor as a refrigerant. As the price has dropped, more places switched from automatic top-off devices.

This is the result of poor planning. Cryo storage uses liquid nitrogen vapor as a refrigerant. As the price has dropped, more places switched from automatic top-off devices. The automatic devices are convenient but are more prone to failure. Over the years, I’ve experienced multiple failures of automatic

With any other car yes, but not in this case. The rear windshield on Chevy Cobalt (from which the G5 was derived) had a tendency to pop out or shatter.if the doors were closed forcefully.

Biochemist here, I worked for a seafood market/catering company, and I always “pithed” the lobsters as you described. Using the word brain, always triggers my inner pendant, it’s a damn super and sub-esophogeal ganglion!

Yup. Neurological tests will still be critical for differential diagnosis. Such changes could easily result from known metabolic disorders (including diabetes). It’s a neat finding and will remain so until the study is replicated with a larger sample size and additional controls

That’s the correct takeaway.

Drama aside, can we discuss how much bullshit is contained within that Instagram caption? The use of psuedo science in products for women is astonishing. It isn’t Jade vagina eggs level, but still..

Yup. It’s the first book I really struggled to finish in nearly a decade. As a scientist, I was appalled by his stereotyping and poor background research. Prose that’s simultaneously complex and imprecise, didn’t help either.

That’s exactly what I thought. Perhaps we could organize hardcore gay porn to be left on his grave site everyday for the foreseeable future.

This is very true. Also, being able to see your body helps with proprioception. Also, rock on for taking ballet! It’s way than people think it is.

That’s brilliant. Although in that war there were almost no casualties. Her bullshit is going to (indirectly) rack up a body count.

Drug prices are based on what the market will bear. Unlike most other goods, drug companies generally do not compete on price. Consequently, the only way to lower prices is for the major stake holders (private and public insurance) to negotiate with the drug companies.

It needs to be family leave not maternity leave, especially as many of us have aging Boomer parents.

That’s a very good idea. I still prefer wires to wireless connections and I’ve done the same.

The book sounds interesting, and I particularly like how she parses sexism and misogyny. That being said, this is factually incorrect: