
There are a great many things that “tech” is either terrible at or won’t work because the underlying rationale (business model) is faulty. Easy money and and overinflated stock market are contributing factors driving needless techification.

It won’t be a different price, but you’ll only get 80% of what an man would get in his bag.

Heaven forbid! What’s next voting rights and the ability to own property? Madness I say, madness!

Ice Pirates!

I know right? Heinlein was a super Libertarian, and yet he promoted that idea. You’d think that somebody in Congress would’ve followed up on that idea...

IBID. Military service should automatically grant citizenship (w/ an honorable discharge of course). It still blows my mind that it isn’t a thing already.

Geralt to the rescue! I’d pay for that DLC.

Not necessarily, just non-sociopathic ones. The link between sociopathy and c-suites is well established. I’m my experience, I’ve found a distinct overlap between sociopathy and sexual harassment.

Or something along the lines of,” If you don’t want lab grown meat, how about something all-natural?”

Renting a ski house is extremely common, and very inexpensive in that part of NYS (especially in comparison to Vermont).

The liberal Art’s dummies tend to go to Vermont. Hunter is more of a Rutgers and University of Long Island crowd.

Eh, not that part of Upstate NY. Guns maybe, lifted trucks not so much.

Agreed. Killington makes much more sense given its size and reputation as a party mountain.

None of the masks shown will be effective against influenza, these are just cloth placebos. If you must, only purchase masks that are NIOSH approved. Even then, surgical masks will only reduce the risk of transmitting the Flu. Only true respirators (3M N95 or 8211) are effective at reducing the risk of contracting the

That’s what my wife and I do too. Having separate accounts w/ leftover money reduces fights from purchases. Plus, it’s way easier to keep gifts secret.

“thebears also received acupuncture, chiropractic treatment, and cold laser therapy to help with pain and healing.”

Didn’t Pornhub release info on state by state searches that came to the same conclusion?

ME Andromeda is looking like my last Bioware and EA purchase. Not because of microtransactions or “payto win” RNG’s, rather the MMO-esque, open world design. I have no interest in that style of game. For me and many other people, video games are a brief respite from reality. I encounter enough jackasses in the normal

Thank you for highlighting this. Regulatory gaps and the current administration enabled the proliferation of medically dubious screening, Apps, and other services.

I guess Bumble didn’t want to swipe far-right?