
That’s what I thought too!

Or coughs for that matter. I tried to in, and the back pressure tore small holes in my lungs. The air escaping my lungs gathered in discreet spots under my collarbone and felt nearly exactly like rice crispy’s (subcutaneous emphysema). Being a teaching hospital, the attending had every student nurse and poke

The hip airbags are a neat idea but it isn’t going to help in the tub or shower where many seniors fall. You’re better off spending the money on PT or any gentle activity that boosts balance. Age related cachexia is unavoidable, but balance issues are not. Improving one’s sense of balance is possible at any stage of

Snapchat would be wise to copy chronological feeds from Instagram. Theivery can be bidirectional after all. It certainly would be more popular than snap glasses...

Facebook is clearly using these half-assed methods to product test. The obvious thing that ,anyone who actually gave a shit about the problem, would do is to whitelist certain websites and use human fact checkers to vett articles from unknown or unreliable sources (i.e. Breitbart) like they did before. Instead of

Only 1/3? Seems like that’s an error on their part. It’s not like it’s hard to find deeply unqualified people.

They are insufferable, talentless douchebags. I had the misfortune of listening to a radio program hosted by them once (no alternatives in rural, northern Maine). By the end of the show, I too wished they could be on the~30k people who die from NSLC per year.

I wish I could give you 100 stars. That’s excellent and sound advice.

That’s been my experience too. It’s like middle school but with performance reviews. I feel that much of that bad behavior is reactive, passing torment on someone else because they can’t get revenge on Bullies.

I’d also be very concerned with adequate cooling in that form factor. Passive conductive or air cooling probably wouldn’t work well enough to prevent thermal throttling.

The book isn’t terrible but the cool ideas are buried under leaden prose, recycled tropes, and narration that’s simultaneously too and insufficiently precise. I expect the movie will be of the rare type that’s better than the book.

I wish I still had a star to give, but I aborted it already...

He might consider fucking it, horses only live 25-30 years. There’s a good chance the horse falls within Roy’s target age bracket.

You don’t need to pretend, you can ask the Pharmacist what the cash price is. They’re not obligated to run transactions through insurance. On a similar note, you can ask your physician’s staff how much certain procedures cost. Sometimes (not very often) they are cheaper when you pay in cash.

I doubt that they made a conscious decision to behave in that fashion. When you’re an asshole, it’s hard to suppress bad behavior. If anything, what we observed was probably their toned down efforts.

People Are Spending Millions Of Dollars On Fake Money To Launder Money.

I work in oncology drug discovery, and we try our best to be as inclusive as possible. Sometimes you’re really limited by the number of available patients and the location of the clinical test sites. There are drugs tailored to different ethic backgrounds. Off the top of my head, I can think of two: Bidil

I can’t understand why her license hasn’t been revoked. She’s violating her Hippocratic oath and undermining public health.

Jezebel doesn’t have an awards ceremony, but if it did, I’d nominate it for “The article most likely to be read by Roy Moore.”

Or a Barber shop quartet...