
This highlights the important issue of end of life care and appropriate documentation. I’m an EMT in MA and we can only honor a DNR if the appropriate form (MOLST) is valid. A tattoo, a banner, a relative screaming, a singing telegram will not work. (We’re legally and ethically bound to attempt lifesaving.) I seem to

I had Scarlett fever around the same time and age. I don’t remember much except for the rash and having massive sections of my skin peel after the infection.

I looked at your kits, and I think they have roughly the same potential for harm as a kid’s chemistry set. (Unless you start selling retroviral vectors of course.)

Thanks for clarifying, I didn’t pick that up in your comment. Clearly I need more coffee...

Much like Weinstein, Lauer’s bad behavior was something of an open secret. He had an affair with a co-host (Natalie Morales)  and got Ann Curry fired (because she didn’t kiss his assessment). As is apparent, that was only the top of the iceberg.

Agreed, though I would point out that Matt Lauer isn’t a liberal. If you look back at some of his actions and comments, it’s pretty clear that he’s a Conservative with some Libertarian trappings.

Scrolled down to see if anyone else had made this connection. I’m from rural NY, and that stratagy was often used to increase bag limits. Many people purchased licenses for their whole families even though many were too old/young or disinclined to hunt. I’d give you a star but Kinja is being dumb.

Why does anyone play this game? Really, I don’t get it. Some gamers are perpetual malcontents but Destiny appears to far exceed the norm.

Their peer reviewers must have been asleep. Their interpretation of the data is flawed and riddled with confounding factors.

Well put, the whole purpose of the FDA is to prevent commercialization of untested, unproven, and unsafe therapeutics or foods. The majority of FDA critics have no idea how or what the agency actually does.

It’s not a car I would buy for myself (no manual is a deal breaker) but something I would consider for my father. Good driving dynamics, comfortable seats and decent cargo space matter more than brands for him. It also would make sense from a service perspective as there are very few luxury dealerships in rural New

Hmm, a product of dubious medical utility that reinforces stereotypes and preys on insecurities, I expect that they’ll sell like hotcakes.

I’m not buying the results from that crash test. The safest place in an ambulance is the drivers set, followed by the captains chair at the patient’s head. Look at the movement of the two folks in the bench seat at the cabinet jump seat. An off axis, front, or rear impact would cause those occupants to collide with

“....Complete with a 2006 photograph of Franken grabbing her breasts...” Except that he didn’t actually grab her breasts. He mimed that action. One is illegal the other tasteless.

That reminds me of my Hunter’s Safety instructor who shot himself while climbing down a tree stand. Rule #1 of firearms is to always treat them as if they’re loaded .

As someone who worked to promote safer sex (in college) my advice was always:

Interesting but very creepy. Besides dog armor is actually a thing. Here’s “Helmutt” in his reproduction 15-16 century Boar dog armor (Worcester Art Museum).

Some grad students in my old department at Harvard, replaced all of the words in a professor’s draft paper with “Stochastic.”

If you’re preparing gluten free pie for someone with Celiac disease or other severe gluten sensitivity, you need to be very mindful of cross contamination. Buy new pot holders and use disposable pie plates.

Just don’t fall for the VIN etching, your child’s DNA will already be barcoded.