
My wife has acrophobia and we climb pretty frequently. As long as she’s tied in, the height of the wall isn’t an issue. She’ll happily scramble up 50-60 foot sections top-roping but the 8 foot bouldering wall completely freaks her out. Most acrophobic’s aren’t afraid of heights per session but the idea of falling,

Agreed, though I always wear a helmet when belaying.

Based on experience, Epipen’s tend to fail in one of four ways:

InSharia law, raped women are often tried as criminals. The legal theory being that they incited the rape by being provocative or as punishment for premarital sex.

“JosiahZayner, a biohacker... disagrees that infrastructure—or even safety—are necessary.”

I thought it was going to be something like that too. Nope. There’s also the fact that coaxing stem differentiate also requires concurrent administration of several other genes and hormones. Plus it’s in the wrong tissue. They only way something like this be to engineer pre-B cells derived

Nope. 3D printing and CRISPR/ Cas9 are tools, not panacea. Knowing how to apply the tools is the challenging part. Biology is extrodinarly complex, and expensive. My old academic lab burned through a few million dollars per year doing basic science. A similarly sized drug startup I worked for, spent the same amount

I already gave you a star, but you deserve another one for this.

I’m a huge fan of, and support including datasets with clinical trials. Not only would it be helpful for drug discovery, but it would also provide datasets that could be used for retrospective analysis (akin to the Framingham heart study). For this to happen, several laws that protect IP and (especially) limit

For whatever reason, it seems that computer engineers are particularly susceptible to the Dunning-Kruger effect (with “pure” mathematicians a close second). This is a real problem given the primacy of tech in our culture.

You got it. Most people here are thinking about nuclear reactors but the majority of radiation liberated by power plants comes from burning coal. Raising these limits is crucial for expanding coal use as it limits a potential basis for litigation.

Yup. I immediately thought the same thing. Also, the seats in IED/Mine resistant vehicles aren’t bolted to the floor to prevent transmission of explosive shockwaves through the seat rails and into the driver.

You have heterochromia? Neat! Also, I wonder what devious little gems are hidden in those companies terms of service? I wouldn’t be surprised if they sold sequence information to other companies.

Not quite, it’s biology and not side effects that have stymied male contraceptives. To be fair, the adverse events would be sufficient for termination of a clinical trial for female contraceptives.

I read the paper. The gene knockout reduced testicle size by 30%. They state that the testicles were normal but the histology data doesn’t appear to support this conclusion (admittedly I’m not a pathologist).

Yes 1000x times. My mother in law purchased the same car. I’m a techno-wizard and I couldn’t figure out some of the functions. All of the stuff that tends to get fiddled with (radio, HVAC) are buried in a bizarrely illogical way.

You deserve a star.

Wow. Those were some crappy doctors. I gather that she lived(s) in a relatively conservative area and/or her doctors were older? Managing endometriosis is the textbook use of birth control outside of contraception. Moreover, just because someone is a lesbian doesn’t mean that they can’t get pregnant. It’s not like

Yup. That’s pretty much it. Oh, and making sure that women “know their place” as baby incubators and domestic servants.

We’ll said. The problem with flawless, moral characters is that they are exceedingly boring. Complex characters are more real, and give the writers more options. I’m also glad that they’re exploring the tension between exploration and militarism.