
Many of these guys are obsessed with life extension. They extrapolated that if caloric restriction improves lifespan, then fasting is even better. Mix that with some Libertarianism, egotism, and Californian post-hippie culture and this is what you get.

I got this email too but I immediately dismissed it as a phishing attempt. Fortunately, it doesn’t seem like the email went to my parents or in law’s. On a related note, my wife and I received a “congratulations on your pregnancy” pamphlet from my health insurance.

Two quick tips:

Can someone explain the appeal of this asshole to me? Maybe I’m too old, but I don’t see how this guy managed such a following. To me, most of the YouTube “content creators” are either derivative or insanely boring. He exemplifies both attributes and is a prick too.

Agreed, security guards and professors shouldn’t role play SVU. Every college should have a dedicated law enforcement Liason (at a minimum) or unit. This is necessary to protect the victim and the accused. These are complex crimes/situations and are disastrous if mishandled.

Hot tip, if you want to shutdown a conversation (e.g. you’re on a flight and your neighbor is chatting you up) say that you’re a mathematician. Generally, the person will say that they “hate” math, to which you reply, “I love it.” And your conversation will end.

I’ve been there several times. Your assessment is accurate. I’m from Upstate New York (Gilbertsville) and the same applies to some of the surrounding areas too. Anyone who could, left, and never came back.

Yeah, I’ve heard the same from a relative that works for a company that makes AEDs. Drugs trial designs are a bit more formulaic, and the same teams tend to work on related therapeutic areas or targets. Though they do tend to do similar things for novel technologies or modalities. They’re very risk adverse, wisely and

Ah, the placebo affect in action. The cardiologist you consulted was dead accurate with his assessment. Not to disparage Latvian Pharma but this compound is laughably weak. The only publication I found gives its target binding as 62 uM.

If the trials were submitted to the FDA, then they follow those guidelines. Even if they didn’t, China, South America, and India do require some degree of subject protection and oversight. Russia, a few African nations, and St. Kits apparently, generally don’t require those protections.

Medical device trials are a bit different than drugs though. They’re generally a bit easier in terms of requirements and oversight.

Trial design can be unethical regardless of FDA oversight. Institutional review boards or some other body that protects human subjects are standard practice, period.

Hopefully, Massa is a bit of a Diva, and I think Williams would be better served by some younger (+cheaper) talent.

At issue is the absolutely abysmal state science education in this country. Good science education should be  equals parts analytical skills and skepticism. Far too many places teach science by wrote, as a serious of facts, and not as a process to form and test hypothesis.

Highlight Reel Driving PSA Addition: these clips clearly demonstrate the perils of distracted driving and “being a dick.”

I’ve seen similar work before, but the cadmium sulfide light absorbers are very interesting. One of the issues with algal or bacterial biofuels is that wildtype organisms tend to populate then outcompete the engineered organisms in grow ponds. You can avoid this by creating closed or semi-closed systems, but the hits

Monsieur ou Madame, je donnez vous un etoile.

Such considerations wouldn’t even register for folks in this lofty social strata. They expect that things should be provided for them because of their status Many c-level jobs in finance and the like, come with perks like drivers and unlimited, private jet use. Those expectations have carried over into their current

Rather than a prequel, I think a game that runs concurrently with the other ME games but from a different perspective would be great. Rather than a soldier, perhaps the new protagonist could be an intelligence officer or some other agent (though not a Spectre).

Agreed. Costs should reflect resources dedicated to the project, especially when there are a large number of brand (series) loyal customers. Not to mention the subconscious relationship between price and perceived quality...