
Not surprising, I’m sure the finance folks at EA crunched the numbers and determined that single player content wouldn’t be sufficiently profitable.

I doubt this technique will work in fully developed humans. As you mentioned, C. elgans are not nearly as complex as us.  Adult worms have a fixed number of cells, are translucent, and readily incorperate plasmids from bacteria they consume. It’s no coincidence that they were chosen as the model organism. 

When I met my now wife, she had a 456 model in her dorm room and knew she was a catch. Fortunately for me, her taste in cars was more refined than her taste in men.

I find it incredibly amusing that some of the same folks who complain about rBST in their milk or yogurt, or GMO cow feed would be such ardent supporters of vat grown meats. Those things are unacceptable but a slurry of recombinant growth factors and genetically bovine cells are ok?

Not all of those journals are of equal value, or that the data supports the author’s conclusions. Even assuming that the conclusions are valid, the findings may not be applicable (e.g. wrong species, in vitro vs in vivo, clinical vs basic research. wrong population). Without understanding how Watson gauges all these

Yes, you really need to see these numbers before agreeing to the compensation package. You should also get a statement in writing, regarding how the shares will be handled if the company goes public.

Computer was a term originally applied to women who manually worked out portions of complex mathematics. If you haven’t already, you should read The Girls of Atomic City. Lots of cool history about how critical women were for the Manhattan project and some of the sexism they encountered.

Ah, thank you. I rather thought that it was a disease acronym too.


As well they should have. Not only was his screed monumentally stupid, not firing him would have be seen as tacit support. Support which would provide strong evidence for future discrimination lawsuits. You can always trust a company to minimize their risk of litigation.

Here’s a much more attractive “anus eyed” creature, the long spine urchin Diadema sp.

Indeed. Just because you can follow a recipe doesn’t mean you can make a soufle. Also, thank you for TAing. It’s a critical for developing scientists but not nearly as appreciated as it should be.

Indeed. Chirality is a real issue in drug synthesis. Several drugs that I’m familiar with have multiple chiral centers. It’s hard enough making them in a properly equiped lab, let alone in a garage.

The information is already out there. The synthetic route, structure, and other details are disclosed in patents or in the Initial New Drug (IND) filed with the FDA prior to clinical trials. These idiots aren’t reverse engineering or providing anything that can’t be obtained with a Google search or a trip to a college

TLDR: DIY-pharma is as stupid and dangerous as making Meth in your kitchen. If you want lower drug prices and availability, you need to tell and hold your representatives accountable.

Moving the goal posts on p-values won’t rescue poor study designs. The fact of the matter is that many designs, especially in the field psychology are not sufficiently rigorous.

“Nice Price” voters clearly haven’t driven one of these or likely encountered one in the wild. The car is worse in almost every conceivable way than a GTI.


Yup. I heard a very similar story from my mom when she worked as an EMT. That and several other similar stories disabused me of ever wanting to DD anything made prior to the early 90's.

George Church is not the sole inventor of CRISPR. Another team at UC Berkeley is also credited with the discovery.