
Somehow I managed to avoid Fireflies. After listening to excerpts from several of their other songs, I entirely agree with your assessment.

Every “biohacker” I’ve encountered came from the perfect Venn diagram intersection of people that know nothing about technology or biology. While cybernetic augmentation is most likely in our future those fools won’t be it’s vanguard.

Umm, I think you’re missing something.

After reading the headline, did anyone else’s imaginations conjure Bob Barker, imploring everyone to spay or neuter their corporation’s board and CEO?

That’s actually a very good idea, and easy to implement.

Wow, didn’t expect that much comment section vitriol.

That’s a great picture! Thank you good sir or madam for posting it.

Starred for, “naked fun times” a splendid piece of prose.

It’s a very cool finding, but I doubt they’ll be developed into drugs anytime soon. Cationic peptides have an unfortunate tendency to lyse human cells. Not to mention issues with stability, route of admistration, and immunogenicity. Developing them for systemic use (like antibiotics) is going to be very challenging.

Conflicts of interest apply in all occupations but the present issue was potentiated by declining research funding in combination with a drive towards monetization of technologies at top universities. When I worked for Harvard Medical School, we were “encouraged” to convert methods and discoveries into marketable IP.

Almost certainly. It’s a shame that CEO’s of closely held private companies can’t be imprisoned for violating the antiquities act and (likely) supporting terrorism.

Not surprised, just disappointed.

This report highlights the need for a well funded, federal center dedicated to processing rape kits and other forensic DNA samples.

I too had lower back issues and found that mat Pilates was much more effective than Yoga. Mat Pilates doesn’t use the weird machine things, so many Yoga studios also offer it. It’s way more of a workout and (and least in my experience) free of all that pesudoscientific Ohmic Chakra crap. I also prefer classic to

Five minutes of training is still training.

Folks, this is something that you really need to be trained to use. Fortunately most CPR and first aid courses can include this. Check with your local board of public health or fire department. They can help steer you to low cost (or free) training and narcan.

Aquarists and reptile owners are certainly a cause for some of Florida’s​ invasive species, but lionfish were most likely transported as fry in ship’s ballast.

Very true. There’s an ongoing effort to transfer records to tablets inscribed with microscopic fonts. Anyone with a microscope or even a series of hand magnifying glasses could read them.

This is clearly a failure of the Seattle PD to properly train and implement de-escalation tactics. My wife worked with local Mass police departments implementing this training. Knife holding suspects are always part of the training.

One tactic I employ to convert anti-vaxx’ers is to have them count the number of adorable, child sized grave markers pre and post polio vaccine in their local cemetery. It’s surprisingly effective.