
Another crappy experiment that should be ignored. The fact that they didn’t completely sever the spinal cord makes their claims worthless. Moreover, spinal injuries typical result from crushing not clean slices. Crushing results in far more trauma. Rescue of spinal injuries are also heavily time dependent, another

Tangential, but I for one will cheer when “woke”and “bae” are purged from common parlance. Neither are particularly clever or precise, and they strike me as excessively juvenile.

Nope, just science in action. The difference is that Thaneros never supported their claims with data of any kind or quality. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This sort of thing happens every time someone publishes findings that are at odds with the current scientific consensus. 

Yes! Given the budget AAA games have nowadays you’d think they’d be able to get some top tier writers and voice actors.

I would like to thank Bioware for this game. The rumored release date approximately corresponds to my matriculation into grad school. Now I’ll be able to focus purely on my studies. How very considerate of them.

I regret that I have but one star to give.

I still don’t understand why Apple wasn’t the first company to offer external graphics support. They basically had the technology in hand and people were already experimenting with them. You could even buy a thunderbolt driven enclosure (albeit an absurdly expensive one). It fits with all of their market stratagy too:

Indeed. As someone who also analyzes data for a living, I wholeheartedly support your findings (Heart value <0.05).

I remember seeing adds for 1/2 scale RC F16's in my dad’s aviation trade magazines. As a 1/2 human (child) I was compatible with the cockpit and imagined playing Top Gun. Unfortunately my parent’s weren’t sufficiently wealthy or sociopathic to make that dream a reality.

Toxicity is all a function of quantity and route of admistration. In sufficient quantity, everything is toxic. Some things are only toxic if ingested, or inhaled, or delivered intravenously.

What methodology did you use for your calculations? The one’s from Mel Magazine are much closer to the actual prices I’ve encountered in NYC and Boston. Your estimates are a bit optimistic.

That’s not an “EpiPen”. EpiPen is a registered trademark owned by Mylan. What you’re talking about is an equivalent epinephrine autoinjector. Epipens are about $200 in Europe, or at least that’s what my Pharma market database tells me.

Context is very important for considering wether a drug is overpriced. Harvoni is expensive but the total cost is equivalent or cheaper than the previous standard of care (teleprevir). Prior treatments were not cures, so the total cost of treatment over the lifetime of the patient was at least 10x higher. It’s​ also

That is technically correct. However, demonstrating superiority or lack of inferiority depends on the trial design and the therapeutic area. Because the FDA must approve the trial design, it does, somewhat indirectly require that evidence.

The FDA doesn’t consider drug price as a component of the approval process, just safety and efficacy.

Drug prices are lower in Canada because they negotiate on prices not necessarily because they import “cheaper” drugs. That’s the power of single payer systems. In contrast, prices in the USA are based on what the market will bear. Importing drugs into the US from either market will be complicated due to various

Agreed. I would hazard a guess that at the time of initial approval and clinical trials, the average weight was appreciably lower. Assuming a typical 10 year development period, the CDC gives an average weight of 138 pounds in 2007.

Salaries are rising but the requirements for entry level have too. Many jobs in the greater Boston area require a Master’s degree. Your market may vary however.

I was confused too. I also thought that “power bottom” was a term used exclusively by gay men. Thank you and thanks to the other commenters for clarification.

Yes, so much this. I always ask these questions in interviews. You can tell a great deal about a person’s​ compenantcy and engagement. Another useful tactic is the “dumb” question Gambit. It revels their level of knowledge​ and if they’re a jerk.