
As a man, I don’t consider these asses to be such. Nor do I want them associated with me.

My Aunt works for the company that made these monstrosities. When I visited her office, I asked to meet with the creative team and provide some feedback. She laughed and politely declined. She said that the adds actually we’re very popular with their test market (Suburbs dwellers in the Midwest and South.)

22. Overcompensation

Same here, one of my friends also had intimate (and more public) piercings and did the same thing. We also thought she was a little crazy.

You make some fine arguments but I don’t necessarily agree with statement regarding college grads. The quality of education varies wildly between institutions. I do wish there was some way of differentiating schools beside reputation and name recognition.

The exception is that those companies needed to run trials to make those statements. Several companies were caught pulling these shennigans and paid hefty fines.

If the app is free, you’re the product.

While I agree that major body damage is indicative of a crappy driver, I can tell that you must not live in a (North Eastern) city. Roads and parking lots are very narrow in most cases and many people have to park on the street. Many of my friends have had mirrors or significant body damage inflicted on their parked

“I find your lack of Fries disturbing.”

Many women wore make-up and red lipstick in particular as an intentional act of defiance. Hitler hated make-up, as it went against Aryan aesthetics.

The DNC needs to fund these campaigns and pull a few upset victories now. They need to capitalize on the strong anti-Trump sentiment and the disaffection of centrist voters.

Umm, the hair removal thing doesn’t work on her skin type because the melanin (pigmentation) absorbs too much of the energy to effectively damage the hair follicle. There are light based methods for hair removal for people with darker complexions but the risk of permanent scaring or skin damage generally limits use.

It’s a neat idea but it’s not going to work. We’ve known for 30+ years that the concentration of glucose in tears poorly correlates with levels in blood. (Google’s life science spin-off Verily rediscovered this recently.)

Why does he need to sell his GTI? It’s not like they have quintuplets. Why spend a bunch more money for extra capacity for that once yearly trip to grandma’s in the sticks? just rent a van. Or, he should just take this opportunity to upgrade to a Golf R. Vomit resistant leather seats and safety features like bigger

In my 15 or so years as a professional scientist, I’ve found that older (male) physicists tend to be the least accepting of new theories and most likely to comment on the work of others well outside of their training and expertise. Fortunetly, the current crop of physics folks aren’t so afflicted.

Yes, it’s from the Whitehouse correspondent’s dinner in 2015 or 2016. You should Google it, the whole segment was really funny.

Which government are you referring to? The vast majority of scientists who publish in these journals are not from the US. It’s a major problem in China and India however. 

I can’t even... Any doctor who thinks this has such obvious gaps in their knowledge that their ability to practice medicine is suspect. Any MD readi.g this article, but especially in Kansas, needs to contact the licensing board. This person is clearly a danger to patients.

I’ve been reading that blog for years, it’s a great resource for battling and indentifying bulshit medicine and junk science. Have a star on account.

These types of microfluidic devices have existed for sometime. Based on this article and their abstract, it seems like they’ve improved several aspects of the design. Generally advances in technology do not decrease the price of medical care, as the majority of the cost comes from the interpretation of the results.