
Where was this taken? Did I miss the location in your summary?

Hopefully they’ll continue to offer manual transmissions. I plan on purchasing a GTI when I graduate from Grad School (~2 years). I’d be really sad if a six speed wasn’t on offer.

That was a great piece. Looking forward to more stuff from her.

But! But! Baku welcomed all of us!

That’s a good price but I would never buy one for myself. I drove one of these at Skip Barber about 13 years ago. Ludicrous power, decent brakes but abysmal ergonomics. The off-center pedal placement, poorly bolstered and cheap, slippery leather yield much uncomfortable lateral movement. I needed to use my left knee

Thank you Jason, you’re the reason I check Jalopnik everyday. As another person of limited verticality, I find the engorgement of most cars to be an obnoxious trend. Other car companies (Mazda, and the VW come to mind) make very safe cars that aren’t overtly turgid. To me, the bulkiness is a sign of afterthought and

Gremlin? I know the historical connection but I can’t help thinking that someone at DARPA has been playing XCOM-2.

This isn’t really a new concept. Using Textile manufacturing techniques for building computers and other electronics goes back at least 50 years. In fact, knitting and crochet enthusiasts helped make some of the first RAM.

Does he mean 10% of all Porsche models sold or is he refering to the 911 alone? I find the later to be highly suspect. Based on Porsche’s affinity for options, I imagine a manual will always be available but it will almost certainly become an up-pricing feature.

That was my first thought too!

No manual transmission= No interest

Is it just me or does the interior seem to have taken some design cues from VW? While the lack of physical buttons for environmental controls is a bit annoying, the overall design is a vast improvement over its predecessor. This car will be very popular with non-enthusiast crowd.

With such a derivative design, how are they going to “concurrency”? Or is that just a patented Lockhead Martin process?

Correction, that picture is from BKB’s Somerville MA location. I’m pretty sure that the augmented climbing game originated there as well.

Nope. The crew (at least part of it) is already aboard. They move into the ship fairly early into its construction cycle. I met them at Bath Iron Work’s open house early this year. All of the crew and workers were really excited about serving on the DDG-1000.

A total crack pipe, but I can’t resist that green hue.

GM’s profitability in China isn’t surprising at all. Chinese consumers have recently preferred to purchase SUV’s and CUV’s over passenger cars. Those products are highly profitable for GM and they dominate that market segment. Moreover, troubled marques like Cadillac and Buick still enjoy the cache of luxury and

To further echo my fellow Jalops, I disagree as well. If anything, driving tests ought to be more comprehensive. Moreover, driver training (aka Driver’s ED) needs to be more rigorous and consistent. My friend’s Driver’s ED instructors brought his class to a skid pad to learn car control while mine used our time to

Massachusetts is already a right to work state.