
Unlike 500 Days of Kristin, I will be sad to see this series end on October 2nd, when the Cardinals miss the playoffs and their racist fans have nowhere to turn now that their football team is living it up in Los Angeles, kicking field goals and waiting for Jeff Fisher’s next unwarranted contract extension.

It’s cool, Univision will unanimously vote to remove this post in three years anyway.

I was paraphrasing what was in the original article to refute your tl;dr, not offering my own opinions. Did you read the original article? It’s become clear you did not read the original article.

And they played in the style they know best which led to a 3-0 win. And their Premier League chances have been dashed because of European competition. And they have a chance to advance in Champions League.

I know right? Like the 3 HRs he’s knocked out since September 4, including the pinch hit homer Monday night?

Not everyone wears pink so I imagine they’re able to opt out? I’ve always imagined an equipment manager wheeling around a big hamper full of pink, NFL-approved flare through the locker room and guys just grab what they want. Who the hell knows.

I don’t see why not. The players love to wear the pink and camo because it allows them to wear things that aren’t mandated by the league. Funny to think that when you regulate the color and height of a man’s socks he will have an overwhelming feeling of individuality when given the opportunity to wear pink socks (as

Rest assured that Roger Goodell is working to bring this disrespectful subset of colorblind people to justice and he will Make Thursday Night Football Colorful Again.

No doubt the Broncos were taking shots at the man’s head and the NFL should be lambasted for allowing him to stay in the game, but let’s all admit this is a shitty headline given the context of what Cam says.

+1 foot job

Right, just like guns, cigarettes and big oil.

There is a difference between disagreeing with the officials and being flat out wrong every time you’re asked to speak.

I was expecting more of those “OMG sooooo over 2016 fuck this” posts after learning KFC’s secret recipe is no longer a secret.

Unfortunately Prince passed away 4 months ago which is the equivalent of 26 years in MTV time.

And they haven't since 2002.

I couldn't get past the name Haleigh Bailey.

Are you a leftover Gawker troll or just really bad at being interesting?

How confident are you that Drew could defend his Chopped title, if given the chance?

When will we be seeing our first Jorge Ramos Hot Take?

How would Jon Gruden react if an NFL player pulled an “Oops, I crapped my pants” like the French race walker?