

Telling me that my opinion doesn’t matter while vomiting yours all over the same comment section is pretty rich.

You might wanna hit the dismiss button on Lsfclvr. He’s a troll who keeps making burner accounts and harasses people by calling them “mentally ill”.

Surprising. The comedy special the article mentions, Nanette, made quite a stir. It was heavily praised but also got a lot of backlash from people who objected to the fact that it’s more of a personal essay than a series of jokes. Which is stupid in my opinion. If something is good, then it’s good. Who cares about the

Violent video games don’t directly cause violence, but they sure as shit don’t make it less likely.

“While some employees disagree, we have a strong belief that content on screen doesn’t directly translate to real-world harm.”

In before Dino Ironbody puts his head back up his own ass and says that saying hate speech normalizes bigotry is equivalent to saying violent video games cause violence.

I love how transphobes like to claim that Netflix not taking down The Closer is somehow “noble” yet seem to ignore the fact that Netflix has removed content from their site before, including once when the Saudi government told them to…

You could leave off the “about computers” part and it’d still be accurate. Knowing anything is something those East Coast liberal elite types do, apparently.

All the points you made, is probably why people like the movie. Just saying. I don’t know how you take your horror movies these days, or slasher movies in general, but sounds like an old fashioned slasher flick to me. If this movie is doing something right with the horror audience, I’m in. Good horror movies isn’t

Also known commonly amongst the horror community as a Giallo film.

I wouldn’t be shocked if somewhere out there a skilled hacker is already working on showing him what a real hack looks like, he’s going to be locked out of everything and have Wayne Knight from Jurrasic Park taunting him on every screen he owns.

It would certainly be a total 180 from the current corporate/national response of “Meh” to the improper handling of private/sensitive personal information of citizens.

  • Right click

he claimed that the state website had been “hacked,”

This whole fiasco is Blackadder levels of head-desk. Not only does this bozo not know anything about computers, he almost certainly is only doing this because he doesn’t like the political leanings of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Which is hardly shocking considering how liberal it is and how hip deep Parsons is in

And the teachers should rightly sue the state for failing to securely store private data.

Christ, what an asshole.

the formula is old and tired and Hollywood ran out of ideas long ago but you think this is a personal insult? maybe you’re not the intended audience.

I legitimately can’t tell if this is saying that Halloween Kills is a morally bankrupt horror by asking the audience to confront the consequences of the trauma it depicts, or if it’s making fun of that idea. I can’t figure out which direction the snark is supposed to be coming from!