
You don’t seem quite ok. 

CK would gladly donate his time ... to make you watch him jerk off.

This doesn’t seem relevant to my comment? I'd be glad to hear it if Netflix says they will no longer work with Chappelle because of this. The special exists regardless.

You should dismiss the troll someone keeps ungreying them. And go ahead and dismiss this comment too.

For example -

So many people run to defend Chappelle. He’s a rich dude that doesn’t give a shit about you and would absolutely never run to your defense. 

What a fun and original comment.

he wouldn't know that.

My dude’s much too needy. A minor agent of chaos at best. He jumps up on the bed in middle of the night yeowls in my face to get petted and I oblige. Also swipes at my legs if he wants a treat when I walk by. That’s about the worst if it. 

Ahh pre-accusations that’s a fun one. You're weird.

Fuck off J Edgar

He's an adult fuck this shit. I don't need to hold a rich old man's hand and be nice to him so he's not a transphobic bigot. He can handle that himself.

Just dismiss the hateful bigots.

*her *trans

She hasn't expressed byer opinion on it because she's dead. So you nor Chappelle have any clue what her thoughts on it would be. Jfc 1 dead teams friend does not give you clearance to spew hate speech.

“It’s kinda amazing how much this country has accommodated 1% of the population”

I watched that because I knew Toilet Boys (band) who were in it. I made it through the whole thing ... That's about all I have to say. 


So many people popped up on Jezebel to defend Chappelle’s latest bullshit. Lotta TERFs on Jezebel it seems.

- Mark Nuckols (founder and CEO of Hufu, LLC)—then a student at Tuck School of Business—claimed that the concept of Hufu occurred to him when he ate a tofurkey sandwich while reading.