
Fuck them. So fucking pissed at Texas right now. Just got my notice of “market adjustment” on my gas bill. We get to pay about 30% more for our gas for the next 2 years because of that deregulated hell hole.

And I’m guessing that crypto miners will get special preference over average Texans when brown-outs are necessary.

Netflix decides every single day what content it does and does not want to show. They can decide not to platform hate speech, and the public if free to express the opinion that hate speech should not be platformed. 

And who decides when something has crossed the line


I feel this says a lot more about you than it does about Gadsby and Nanette. Yikes, pal.

Reasonable minds should occupy themselves with something better to do than debate the legitimacy of trans people.

Great, Gadsby!

Same with C.K.

I’m going to start using this argument structure everywhere:

Exactly. Pump and dump is a core GQP value.

What. The. Fuck?

This shit is insanity up there with the pillow man’s pcaps. Good work TX braintrust!


So do we have a pool going on how long it will take the Texas grid to collapse this winter?

People who got serious about cryptocurrency in 2009: Forward thinking pioneers taking a big gamble on something that could easily blow up in their faces.

The most fucked up grid in North America playing host to the biggest waste of energy on the planet and encouraged by the most fucked up state GOP.

Fucking idiots.

Isn’t going all in on Bitcoin going to put MORE strain on the grid? Isn’t that why China has started cracking down on crypto farms there?

The only thing Cruz and Abbott’s endorsement of Bitcoin means is that they both just bought a bunch of Bitcoin.