Bronson Charles

I just ordered one under the name “Duke Nukem III.”

Looks like someone stopped reading before “Not Quite”.

Those aren’t all deposits, though, just reservations.

Anyone can talk the talk. Will FF walk the walk? I’m not holding my breath.

Perhaps a GPS fix or magnetics for alignment. If there was a remote operator, that would be a midget in the trunk with a monitor to a dash cam.

Price. Look how open people were buying from South Korea and then Japan before that. When I was a kid ‘Made in Japan’ still meant ‘worthless crap’. But they changed that and charged less and now try to buy a TV set made in the US. Or a computer. Or a cell phone.

Buick Envision. Designed for China and made in China.

People have to understand the dealers don’t care about selling Tesla. What they care about is their existing franchise. In their minds their great grand pappy gave an auto maker a lot of money back in Nineteen-Dicky-Do for a franchise. The automaker used that money to initially fund the company. It was a risky deal,

I believe actual deliveries are slated for 2018. The March deadline is just for the premiere pre-order incentive thing.

I understood it that you’d qualify for a special edition that’ll be revealed in March...Not that anything was being delivered...Basically they’ll be hitting 300 peeps up for more of a downpayment to secure their purchase.

I want to know how they are going to build 300 of these by March, when the building you have to build the car, isn’t anywhere close to being done?

If we look up at the roof of this building there’s a lot of steel structure up there that’d [prohibit] some of the signals

Why does it need signals from the sky to drive itself? Is it just sending a feed from the camera to a remote operator? Something is not adding up here.

It restricts you to one child and introduces you to the confines of world class private surveillance.

I know a lot of you can commiserate with the feeling of putting prototypes and live demos in front of large crowds.

1000bhp Chinese minivan...what could possibly go wrong.

...why would one with so many sensors need to do a 3point turn adjustment when parking?

I’m imagining a world of Farday Future cars lazily driving around roads and stopping in random places trying to find a parking lot... Like when a cow truck overturns and all those cows wander around the highway.

I agree. None of it makes sense to me. According to the original article the lawsuit was filed for something like $6.4m. He’s supposedly worth over $60 mil so I have serious doubts that all of his franchises and cars were needed to pay for these assets.

While the settlement surprises me, the fact that it’s awarded to the head of his legal team really doesn’t.