Bronson Charles

I can’t wait to drive a cheap ass Chinese car here in America. Preferably one with lots of chrome and as tiny an engine as possible. It should smell toxic inside.

Too much product not allowed into the country for being much too close of a copy of domestic production?

This is the same at every trade show, there booths are empty as they are out taking pictures of the next thing they want to copy

He accurately described John Lewis’ district. Does that bother you?

You are not alone. One the other hand, when a Ferrari is morphed into a Lancia...

Note it doesn’t say fresh in the original statement.

(more coastline than any other state!)

Yeah, yeah, it will never see the light of day, it’s just a dumb concept, the steering wheel is impractical and yadayadayada. But you know what? Most autonomous concept cars try to sell the idea of a space for you to be at between your house and work, where you can be more productive and get stuff done and close big

IDK, the Wagoneer was always an RR competitor back in the day and the Grand Cherokee is very competitive today with not only 4Runner type SUVs, but also upper level SUVs like a Toureg, XC90, X5, etc. I don’t see any reason why, it wouldn’t do well against an RR, it’s not like either company can brag about heritage,

It’s really not unusual in VC-funded companies of this scale. They’re not bootstrapping any more.

No it’s not. He’s taking a salary because he’s working for the company. This is the way nearly every startup works.

wouldn’t you have been born a woman but society forced you to identify as a you’re rightfully identifying with your proper ‘gender’

If you tell men where women will park then they won’t want to park in any spot near where a woman will park which will eventually lead to all spots being for women. That’s the danger you meant right?

Most grocery stores already have reserved spots for expectant and new mothers - not much different! Either all people are “equal”, or they’re not - you can’t have it both ways . . .

If it was America instead of China then yes you could. And if someone tells you otherwise you just tell them they are a racist homophobic sexist bigot. And then you sue.

The more I watch this the more I think the quad blew it. Yes Peterhensal blew it in 2012 but this is entirely different. The sentinel on the quad has got to be going crazy for at least a mile and Peterhansel takes an alternate line to make the pass and the quad races him to the merge point. To be clear if the quad got

Tell that to Sainz, Loeb, De Villiers, Roma, Goncalves, Price......those are the true sportsmen.

He left quite a bit of room. The quad guy was caught and I’m sure his sentinel was going off like crazy. Making time in dust and silt is hard work. If a back marker on a quad gets caught by a car and ignores his sentinel and does not pull off then a face of dust is what he gets. It’s desert racing, that’s how it

If this were NASCAR, everyone would say, “That’s racing”.

Peterhansel might be the champ but he is a grade A douchenozzle.