Bronson Charles

It’s just like saying obama fixed the economy. The president’s always get the blame or the praise even though most of the time they had no hand in it.

But you have 100k in a Chinese owned/made Volvo. What image is that portraying....

Smart cars actually do survive crashes with Mercedes s550, etc. Please don’t spread fallacy.

All taxis should be hybrids. There’s no reason for them not to be.

Why would you do that? They’re paying you for the car. You’re just stealing at this point. Joe mayer I will never buy a car from you.

It’s pretty obvious what happened if you’re war/intelligence smart. We coaxed them into taking the sub because we knew they’d plug into it on their own planting the virus in their system. Now we can’t get blamed for hacking because we never did. The uproar is all smoke and mirrors. Oh no you took our off the shelf

Our idiot politician laughed at the proposed lane splitting legislation.

“If Trump doesn’t get to use it, well, why should he give a fuck?”

Alonzo is a has been cheat, failed at Ferrari and he’ll look like a has been at Benz.

Buick/GM importing cars from china. No thanks.

Mazda a premium brand? Have you guys seen their showroom. It looks like a child/clown designed it. No one will take them seriously with that dump of a showroom.

This is why Facebook is $120 a share and mark Zuckerberg is worth 51.6 BILLION

Hamilton was wrong and Vettel backed that up. He said he couldn’t pass Rosberg because Hamilton didn’t give him any room to pass. Hamilton was correct in holding up Rosberg, but failed to speed up when Vettel caught up. Should have listened to the team. But he loves to question his team.

Hamilton, I paced so they would pass him. Vettel, I couldn’t pass Rosberg  cause Hamilton was going too slow. OWNED hahahaha

Meh, Chris Harris lost his appeal once he was overplayed on top gear.

Registration is almost 2% of vehicles base msrp. Very annoying.

Freddy, the fuel economy Freddy, we’re all wondering about the fuel economy, premium fuel I might add.

Over/ Under on Faraday actually making it. I’m calling under

That’s a Mercedes part, it is not unique to Tesla. Please look up what Benz installs in there to understand the blanks.