Bronson Charles

Most companies will pay out to make it go away. Generally cheaper than an actual trial and publicly calling customers fucking morons (they usually are, but saying it in a press release is frowned upon for some reason) can be a PR disaster.

Its not the lawyer who made up the lie, he is working a case in which he is legally obliged to represent his client from what he was informed.

i totally get how it’s funny. but in what way is it racist?

Probably didn’t have his tires re-vulcanized.

60 Minutes also did a hatchet job on Audi for this, even rigging a car to make it lower the accelerator on camera. Audi almost had to pull out of the US market .

Misread that at “velociraptor” got very confused despite it making the sentence a bit more awesome.

Can you spell SCUMBAG LAWYER who thinks he smells money?

Top Tip: A faster way to tell would be to look at the roof — the SL65 Black Series was the only SL of that generation to have a fully fixed roof instead of a folding hardtop.

This is pretty much the same thing everybody does when they hit the velocitator instead of the deceleratrix. Blame the car, then look for someone to sue.

Didn’t the Prius deal with similar accusations and after many millions of dollars were spent, it was discovered to be human error? Also, how many “normal” cars have crashed in this way? I just think that the Tesla is under a lot of extra scrutiny in the news.

it doesnt get much more badass than that

On the one hand, I don’t see how Tesla can so boldly rely on the car’s data that the accelerator was depressed to 100% when the accusation in the first place is that it was the car that caused the unprompted acceleration; If the driver’s claim is accurate, no shit it would show driver input where there was none. What

If there was little access to oxygen the fuel can smolder for a long time and can start spontaneously. Even compost piles can do this; I know at least one guy whose house burned down because he stored grass clippings in a trashcan in his garage. I expect it was producing some heat and CO2, but not much soot or open

Exactly...when I was an instructor I used to tell my students, “There is no right or wrong technique, but there is effective and ineffective depending on the situation.”

The smoke would be dwarfed by what is coming out of the stacks. Plus ship bunker fires were expected and nothing to be alarmed about. The world was a different place 100 years ago.

Good lord, stop it!

Hey, any martial artist will tell you that result is better than style in a real world situation. Perfect execution is for tournaments.

Now playing

Maybe even more badass than Belgian mall guy.

Without GPS and a Credit/Debit/ATM card.