Bromona Quimby

I mean, good lord.  Have you paid attention to absolutely anything at all outside of the US since this whole thing started?  The UK has been ranking up there with the US and Brazil with incompetence in dealing with the pandemic since the beginning. 

See that’s a useful comparison to show how ridiculous this is. In descending order of seriousness, Weiner sexted a 15 year old, sent a photo containing his young child, and was cheating on his wife. That’s just not the same kind of behavior. 

Uh, Weiner sent unsolicited pics to adults and minor(s). The closest this guy has done is add “Close Friends” and DM in instagram. Which, in College Political Group circles, direct conversations isn’t anything in particularly out of the norm.

I genuinely hope that it does strengthen post-2020. But when the GOP immediately forgets about the entire last four years (which they will pretend to do the second there’s a new president) and uses culture war bullshit/The Ever-Growing Deficit to reclaim their credibility (and the media is going to be all too willing

Cool, then there’s nothing to worry about. Everyone who voted for a Democratic House candidate in the midterms is now a permanent part of the Democratic coalition. Nothing left to do except sit back and watch demographics become destiny. We got the big midterm win that put Pelosi in the Speaker’s chair, now it’s time

Calling child abuse “controversial” is part of the problem. Sympathetic media exposure like this is part of the reason why caregiver abuse is such a problem in disablity circles.

Or just wait a few months and Redbox it for $2...

What am I missing about the Oregonian response that is so terrible that the author uses it as evidence for why millenials want to kill newspapers? The editor explained the cartoon, and then published a statement from the creative collective responsible. It didn’t pull the cartoon, it didn’t disavow the cartoon. What

What mentions? What are you talking about? No one else has even responded to you.

It has less to do with Putin and more to do with her committing perjury that will likely get dozens of domestic violence and similar convictions overturned- her word is all she has and her word is absolute garbage but kudos to Jezebel for never admitting they fucked up and participated in a grifter’s ratfucking

Why would an article about adaptations of Much Ado About Nothing mention a movie that’s not an adaption of Much Ado About Nothing?

Brian Blessed is a magnificent gift to everything he’s ever been in.

Even writing this post is difficult; in writing about the spectacle of Kanye West, this piece, in turn, legitimizes that spectacle”

you can have a mental illness AND be an asshole. They are not mutually exclusive.

They’re not the loss I’m concerned about. It’s the people trying to stay safe that they inadvertently infect that I’m worried about.

“Our racism is polite and happens behind closed doors. It’s subtle and buried deep in policy changes and laws. Being an obnoxious racist in public is so undignified and low class. We can’t be associated with such shenanigans.”

Do you have a bunch of tweets, mostly from HRC and Biden at the moment, that you bookmark for use in your tomato trolling?

Cocksucker versus motherfucker. Film at 11.