Bromona Quimby

I s’pose. If she’s lumping in comedies Isabel Sanford would like a word. Hard to believe so much time has passed since “The Jeffersons!”

That’s…what docile means?

I wasn’t able to watch it Sunday night because I was busy with the holidays. I like to surf the web after work before I dig into my shows and AV club spoiled it for me on Monday with the headlines and the pictures in the headlines. Other sites I frequent did not spoil it with their headlines.  Ya’ll have a reputation

The problem with the AV Club article was really that it served no purpose OTHER than spoiling the episode. It didn’t have any commentary or thoughts on the spoiler, it didn’t add anything to the conversation. It literally just said “I guess this was why Brian Cox was okay with Succession ending”.

But that’s not a real

Sometimes the writers don’t want you to follow everything. If you catch just a noun or you catch an adverb, maybe that’s all they want you to comprehend. You don’t have to follow the entire sentence. It is intentional. Is it intentional 100 percent of the time? No, of course not.

What a legend

These sorts of “gotcha” questions say almost nothing about people’s actual knowledge of female anatomy, but everything about the culture of the acceptability of saying “I don’t know” to a question about female anatomy.

It seems to me that Netflix announces a new "most watched. Show. EVER!" Once a month or so.

She strikes me as a the-fish-gets-bigger-each-time-I-talk-about-it kind of person.

I’m sorry what? Maybe I am just missing something but AIDS talk started in the late 80's (in my corner of the US) and continued, strong, for the first half of the 90's, at least as I recall over 30 years later.....

Why you so hostile all the time?

Fraser is also not gay. There are fat gay actors. And being gay would not put the lead actor’s health at risk despite what some breathless conservative shitbags might say.

Oooh so he dropped a meta n-bomb in a rant about wanting to be less racist?

I think a lot of the reviews are missing a pretty glaring implication of the finale. The whole show has been a rehearsal for Nathan to introduce himself to a child of his that he isn’t involved with.

This is still and forever my favorite movie.

It may not “seem” that way, but it is. It really, really is.

Yes, I beat my wife every time she steps out on me and I am justified. 

Yeah, I’d suggest skipping the Jezebel article...

Especially if you’re one of the ones he cheated on a wife with.

I, too, am a white woman hiding behind the words of a black man and a black woman to blame another black woman for capitalism.