Bromona Quimby

Yeah, they messed up a word, but that is still what they were referring to Maybe try fucking unclenching. jfc

they’re quoting the subhead below the title 

In a theater, audiences must bend to the movie’s rules, the theater’s time schedules, and the crowd’s will.

She loved Trump, and thought Obama was the most divisive presidency of her lifetime. Rest in something.

I just found an article from 2013.

I think the most likely explanation is that Kerry Washington mispoke and that she meant television series, not specifically a drama

The point isn’t that there were no other black women on television. The point is that they were not leading television shows.

I think it’s because that’s an ensemble show and wasn’t a star vehicle for Jennifer Beals. The L Word could survive the loss of Bette but Scandal wouldn’t survive the loss of Olivia Pope.

Oh no, it definitely got bad. There was build up to the byzantine Authority (the marvelous Nan Flanagan spoke of various factions within it) and it was like was like six annoying people in a room plus that bad wig Salome wore. Somebody on that show had a vendetta against Tara because year in and year out they just

If the cameo hadn’t been announced in advance you guys would’ve just spoiled it for everybody else an hour after the episode dropped with picture of Kim Catrrall and a headline about we will never guess who the shocking cameo in the And Just Like That finale was.

Carrie’s suddenly prudish nature

Ever since they nominated Barb from Stranger Things, I refuse to believe that Emmy voters actually watch television. I think they just pay attention to what they hear people say online.

I was just replying to your comment about her not being notable enough to be written about. I hadn’t realized that the AV club only wrote articles about A-list caliber celebrities. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

YouTube celebrities have huge audiences. You’re just old.

She’s is not being scapegoated. They’re cracking jokes about things she said.

Hocking or hawking?

They’d probably use a blue screen for this movie.

People are deranged. That’s absolutely Ariana Grande’s voice. There is also a contingent of lunatics who believe that Meryl Streep’s vocals in Into the Woods were dubbed by Broadway star Donna Murphy.

I feel like if you can accept them bursting into song you can probably accept them being diversely cast.

I’m pretty sure those come from the dress rehearsal