Bromona Quimby

If “The Affair” wasn’t consciously satirical, it may well be one of the most horrible shows I’ve ever seen, pretty low even for Showtime.

Like simp, hubby is a term I haven’t heard IRL in years. Probably haven’t heard hubby in at least a decade, if not more and it usually referred to someone who actually isn’t your husband. 

This. Alternatively ‘millennial discovers old word and pens rant to claim cred’. 

Granted, I’m not married, but most of the time I’ve seen “Hubby” used in the same context as “Honey.” Basically, a pet nickname a wife gives her husband.

The best thing I’ve ever read about Ivanka is that we should avoid cutting her slack because she looks like she smells good. She’s repugnant. She’s just as horrendous as her dad, but in a different way, because she appears to be a fully-functioning member of the same society I inhabit while having no problem whatsoever

She hasn’t done a lot of media interviews or anything, but isn’t trump’s sister a judge? i assume she is capable of speaking coherently, using complete sentences. Seems like its the guys who turn out to be troglodytes

Sorry to say, but Trump will never stroke out.


quibi is the definitive creative work of the trump era.

Since the ADA only requires “reasonable accommodations” a grocery store could provide curb-side pickup or home delivery and be perfectly fine under the law.

At this point I feel like the DNC is just morphing into the GOP Lite party while the actual GOP has just run full speed and leapt off the cliff into insane extreme right winged Orangeness.

this would have probably gotten her the votes she needed

Ya, I guess I had a visceral reaction to “... who is always fairly behind the curve of where his party is, ... and who has made a point of disavowing many of the ideas from the more progressive wing of his party...” and stopped reading. My B.

We can absolutely survive four years of Biden. Can we thrive? No.

One thing that has me seriously worried is how Biden keeps acting like the Republican Party is still a loyal opposition that has gone slightly astray under Trump and not an existential threat to democracy, at least since 9/11, which was a major inflection point in our democratic backsliding.

Honestly his greatest strength is making movies which *seem* like they’re complex and when you’re watching in the theater you just get swept away with the visuals and high-concept sci-fi....then when you’re driving home afterwards you start to think about what you saw and and it dawns on you that nothing made any

I agree with that. But some people never get there. Some people get there at an early age. Some people make mistakes for a very long time. There isn’t an age switch. Not everyone has the same dating experiences (some people start early, late, never date, have lots of dates, a trickle of dates, have no dates, meet the

But there’s a big gulf between saying, “Trump is horrible” and actually getting your ass to the polls to vote (or send in an absentee ballot). That’s what I’m talking about.

But to really get the turnout machine in full gear, especially in minority communities in purple states, a black female running mate would *really* help.