Bromona Quimby

Proof-reading, editing, just checking before submission. Sigh. Someone got paid for this.

I know of 2 real people that are not Republicans, but are super against voting for Biden it is pisses me off. They hate Trump too, but just “can’t” vote for him. Which in our flawed shitty system you just have to do what you can and try to get progressive people up there during primaries and keep trying. Wringing your

The dichotomy between “haha who even is this person” jokes and serious, frequent discussion about reality TV stars is certainly... Something.

Hey Bernie Bro, welcome to AV Club. I’m sorry your candidate lost the primary, but that has happened hundreds of times in this country and usually, the losers sulk a few days and then move on.

this is insufferable. stop using so many adjectives and think about what you’re actually saying

This is stupid and incorrect. Sanders lost that primary and this one. He just got less votes. He’d be great if he won, which is really debatable if he even could win the general, but he wouldn’t have been able to pass all the stuff he wants it’s just not practical within our system. And yeah our system sucks. Part of

Fuck you and take Susan Sarandon and Cornell West with you you false equivalency dumb ass

Anand Ghiridharadas is a great read on why philanthropy is not only a drop in the bucket, it provides cover for rich people who often then turn around and use their economic power to support politicians and policies that make them richer at the expense of the rest of society.

His brain is about to implode and he won’t admit it at all.

^ When your liberalism wraps around into conservatism. a long-standing right-wing talking point.

This is mildly scandalous, but what’s more curious is that Disney+ has, in fact, previously removed a butt from a classic film now in its streaming library. The film is 1989's Splash, and the butt belongs to Darryl Hannah.

Maybe your 19 year old just has bad taste

The bit about Mr. Green’s wife never sat right with me, it felt like they were saying ‘if he’s the hero he obviously can’t be gay’.

Joan is only employed here to irritate people for clicks. Let's be honest.

The Jezebel writeup is so different than The Root’s writeup. In the Jezebel writeup, there’s a lot of energy given to how coy Jada and Will are about the timeline of events, and how most people will never really know what happened, and pokes fun at the overuse of the word “healing”, which, legit.

Zach Braff is 21 years older than Florence Pugh

Does anyone know what time the said Sarah Paulson/Andy Cohen interaction happens on the video above?

By those who cherish THEIR right to be “immoral.” The rest of us mere non-famous humans need to return to a kneeling silence, waiting breathlessly for the right moments to cheer, gasp in delight, applaud or laugh.

Her4 year old isn’t reading the comment section. Get a grip. A bunch of generic comments about how sad this is isn’t going to bring her back anymore than my dark humor is going to harm the situation.