Bromona Quimby

There’s alot about the show that got grating quickly, but I did like the tone/look of it very much, and the older cast was great. Especially her Aunts.

I was more annoyed by how Sabrina never truly learns from her mistakes. She continues to make selfish decisions that always lead to horrible consequences.

It was good fun for a while but I'm glad it's ending. You can only hear "Go to Heaven!" so many times before you find it grating.

I offered it up already and I will even cut my fee in half, to 50 bucks. Lady Anti-Antebellum. You’re welcome.

Yeah but Boomers suck

This is the part I respectfully disagree with. It’s not about what they do. It’s about who I am. And while I certainly feel every bit as strongly about reciprocating punishment for punishment, blow for blow, and indeed have even posted as much in the past, I prefer to think of myself as a better sort of person than

For those confused by its roundabout snark, let me attempt to translate the content of this post as it relates to Jennifer Aniston: “She’s doing well and has been writing recently.”

I’m not going to attempt to answer your question, but I’m pretty sure dying is Letourneau’s last newsworthy action.

he’d shed both his “real estate crook” and “reality TV fixture” personas and actually try to be a good president, to the best of his meager abilities.

A Republican pollster pointed out that Trump had never talked about immigration before becoming the presidential candidate...

Well, according to reports, it is because Trump’s inner circle is apparently convinced that people were misleading the pollster when asked about their support for Black Lives Matter movement. I legitimately have no words.

Look—If we are for prison reform, then we don’t need her in jail. That is a waste of public resources just so you can feel some sort of justice.

“I think a judge would have final say over that”

The joke is the content library they expect you to pay for.

It would be more effective if the Democrats had nominated someone other than Biden.

Yeah, maybe the show would have been popular then. 

Fuck off, loser.

Related: before movement conservatism, the expression “you are bias” used to be grammatically incorrect.

Dems will be willing to accept an anti-choice bigot as a candidate as long as they believe in climate change just to try to beat a Republican.

50 years of political science research says you’re wrong.