Bromona Quimby

I must lead a pretty blessed life, because I’ve never heard of this person. It sounds like I’ll probably be fine not hearing of him again.

Its almost like there actually IS a difference between Trump and Hilary Clinton!

Even some of his former advisers are issuing dire warnings about his reelection chances. “Under the current trajectory, President Trump is on the precipice of one of the worst electoral defeats in modern presidential elections and the worst historically for an incumbent president,” said Sam Nunberg, a one-time

What side should represent that character if you can’t find somebody that fits the character exactly?

Not before you get your face stomped into the shape of a fishbowl. 

Three chuds above made essentially the same comment. So clearly not tough to find someone making the same tired joke over and over again.

EDITED: There’s no point in being insulting, I apologize.

I love both Kristen Bell & Jenny Slate but those were not good casting choices for those roles 

Do you really think late 70s NYU was having the uncomfortable discussions about race? Why? Because it’s New York City? If you’ve learned anything in the past month, let it be that even the most liberal of people and institutions have blind spots.

In the spirit of owning up to stuff on the internet, now I think I’m mostly wrong - I just rewatched the scene, and had absolutely forgot there was the “Black power” gesture part to the bit. It was always a black hand, cadaverous or not. I’m sorry for trying to mitigate that, however inadvertent.

why is every Jezebel article title lately a rip-off of The Unbearable Lightness of Being

That misunderstanding isn’t your fault. Both live episodes featured Hamm, but the Amos n Andy parody sketch was far more memorable. The racist Hamm-arm commercial, as you’ve already noted, appeared in one version of the second live episode. The second live episode also didn’t get as many viewers (or as high the

Yeah, it’s going to be very interesting to see how this long-awaited battle plays out, for many shows and movies. There definitely won’t be a one-size-fits-all approach; some things could likely be put back up with some sort of disclaimer, some moments are quick and short and can just be excised without much

I hear you. Again, I think I had interpretive blinders when I saw it. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if “cadaver” was their intent, but no one involved realized that in trying to make some sort of “Franken-hand,” they failed miserably and ended up with something offensive without realizing it...because it they

The MPA sometimes pretends it’s a rule, but they’ve made lots of random arbitrary exceptions. There’s even one PG-13 movie that has 40-something “fucks.”

1 non-sexual ‘fuck’ has been the rule for PG-13 forever.

1) One fuck given

My mistake: I saw Jon Hamm and misread the rest. We’re talking about two different episodes here; I’m referring to the Live episode where Hamm was in blackface (and Tracy Morgan’s character nearly strangles him).

Yup I think the only acknowledgement that “joke” was overtly racist was that the live audience was obviously uncomfortable and didn’t find it funny. So the show made a different joke in the west coast broadcast.

I can’t believe “blackface jokes in modern (modern-ish?) sitcoms” is the hill so many people want to die on in 2020.