Bromona Quimby

I think the Tom and Jerry DVDs did it right with the Whoopi Goldberg disclaimer. It gave proper context for the stereotypes and basically said that if we pretended use of these stereotypes never existed, then we're basically pretending racism never existed.

It’s Disney +. Perhaps the + is fucks.

There were reactions, I think, to the other instances of blackface, but with the “two black swans” joke it just shows Paul and Jenna in costume and there’s no response. You’re actually just looking at a person who decided to wear blackface wearing blackface.

Nah. Tiny Fey’s Hurt Feelings: The Episode is the only bad half hour of Kimmie Schmidt.

I swear, the amount of dipshit conservatives who are suddenly fans of antifa socialist George Orwell has really spiked in the past few days.

I really don’t get people defending it. Yeah, “It’s funny because this white person doesn’t get that blackface is offensive,” but that is dangerously close to it’s funny because it’s blackface. Also, is there really any commentary after that joke? Or is there anything that shows a black person’s perspective upon

I think you’re misremembering a touch. Tina Fey was miffed that there was backlash to season 1 leaning so heavily on making the Asian character a kind of 1-dimensional gag, the episode you’re describing was her in-show “response” to that backlash, but not the episode that created the backlash in the first place (I

Apart from the Jon Hamm one none of these jokes had anything particularly meaningful to say (and the “two Black Swans” joke is just kind of lame even before Jenna appears in blackface), so I’d say we’re not losing much here. The fact that it was Fey (along with Carlock) who requested it is impressive; she’s not known

wow, that seems like a bit of blackface for something that came out after 1930.

Remember how Fey was miffed at people for being put off by the one “Kimmy Schmidt” episode where a group of offended college students protest Titus’s yellowface routine, only to come around because he sang so beautifully in full geisha costume? And that people who called it out said stuff like “well he’s Black

Let us all bask in the comfort of above headline for just...just a brief moment.

I’m not an expert on the talent agent business, but I’m not sure how you would sue them for something that their star did six years earlier (possibly before they were even a client) and which the agency will almost certainly claim (perhaps honestly, perhaps not) that they had no knowledge of. Aside from releasing a

Not to nitpick, and I am absolutely horrified/enraged by the skulduggery of fetus fetishizers, but could the term “with child” please be used a bit more judiciously? From where I sit, language is powerful, and embroyoes, and fetuses (fetii?) are NOT children and should not be referred to, as such. Thanks.

And everyone definitely knows who that is!

Do you get bored complaining about them saying it?

I get bored by having to say it.

Joe Biden probably won’t monomaniacally focus his entire presidency on hatching racist schemes for being unfathomably cruel to children and immigrants.

Hey Joan, Sam Smith is non-binary, THEY/THEM. You just wrote a whole paragraph literally calling them a man over and over. Edit that, it’s gross.

does it matter that she define it? it’s a cynical dog whistle meant to get her caveman base worked up, that’s all it has ever been for Republicans. I would question why America needs “saving” if Dear Leader Trump and the GOP have controlled 2.5 of the 3 arms of government for the past 3 years.

She is NOT lovin’ it.