Bromona Quimby

Hun, she didn’t wrongly think she knew the owners. She was consciously lying as a flex to put a person of color in his place, never dreaming for a minute that she was speaking to the owner himself. 

Probably because she didn’t actually think she knew the owner?

As I said over on The Root:

Are those sources saying that in a “This is my lorecrafting that I am doing to make my headcanon work right” sort of way or in a “We have it on good authority because we regularly report on the inner-workings of the court using sources that have proven to be reliable over time” sort of way?

Wow. You can practically hear when you are reading it that it fucking KILLS this website to write anything positive about Swift.

“Ah...we’re done selling records”

“A” is for “confederate”

Now, of course, they’re going to be “Lady A,” which is sooooo much better *eyeroll*

I mean, duh? The slavery-era south is the only reason most people would know that word. This cannot be the first time someone pointed that out to them. My guess is they just don’t want to get “cancelled” now. 

Why didn’t Refinery29 leave this essay up for transparency’s sake and live with their mistake?”

Bad job, internet!

I feel like the robot overlords are pumping our brains full of Kylie Jenner information while they slowly transform our life forces into batteries for their own existence.

I stopped believing this was true when I saw the “wait for it” tweets.

Sure seems like this article implies that people in poverty lie, cheat, steal and manipulate by default.

Depending on where you are on the center or left side of the political spectrum, you might have a completely different take on the party choosing Creepy Uncle Joe. My only hope is that, whatever your opinion of Biden, we all can agree that he is not the existential threat another fours years of a Trump administration

Rinse, repeat. This is 2016 all over again. Anyone who had Bernie Bro friends on Facebook back then (i.e. everyone posting here) knows that the Bros bit even harder on the Hillary conspiracy theories than the right wing did. For the obvious reason: the target of those lies wasn’t people on the right, who were already

I like the whole idea of the BLM collection on Netflix, but it could stand to have some more comedies or rom coms that center black voices on there - it shouldn’t all be pain and struggle.  

I was spared from Chris Lilley by having a sense of humor

Those Chris Lilley shows are so fucking bad. Beyond offensive they’re all just overlong and boring.

Speaking as Python fan for over forty years, I really don’t give a shit.