Bromona Quimby

Obligatory Alternate Picks For This Week’s Theme Post:

You really think at this point she’s going to get a better deal than Felicity Huffman did, who pleaded guilty right off the bat and still did two weeks of jail time?

kill yourself


I think Seth Myers already has the best locked up here, considering he didn’t need to have a guest on, but could just turn the opening of his show this week to Amber Ruffin and her tales of harassment at the hands of the cops. 

first they came for the hedgehogs, and i said nothing, because i didn’t hafta go fast

Have this thought. You probably ARE racist. Why? Hit dogs holler. If you come to The Root and feel any way other than empathy and sympathy, then yes. Maybe check yourself and your privilege and NOT come to a site for and by black folks. Clearly, you are not there to learn like the majority of the none POC that come to

Is this a bit?

You could have mentioned that Delroy Lindo is also leaving, as he’s been cast on a network show. It was announced a couple of months ago, but I only heard about it around the accidental “finale”.

That faint sound you hear is the sound of laughter from all the people who spent years claiming Kylie’s lip kits were just an upsold dupe of ColourPop

Not quite. She was choking the poor thing for almost a minute before she leashed him. The shelter she got him from wanted him back after that.

The same as anoyone who’s name has been used as shorthand for an insult over the decades: “chatty kathy,” “plain jane,” “debbie downer,” “negative nancy,” “lazy susan,” “bye, felicia,” “average joe.” It happens, people deal with it, language trends move on.

Yes, this was perhaps its most egregious sin. It was neither exciting nor funny. It was boring, and confusing, and lacking a clear perspective. But mostly it was just boring.

Hell, the show didn’t know how it felt about Billy. Or about Ruby for that matter.

Norma McCorvey was a selfish asshole. The world didn’t owe her life long support because of a court case. She went to the forced birthers for a payday. She would have stayed pro choice if PP or NOW had paid her the right price. Fuck her.

How much more will suffer because our government refuses to listen to reason, science, or basic common sense?

“...or she was really banking on catching Sanders off guard.”

These types always want specific examples so they can (theoretically) knock them out one by one. I had someone argue with me like that and he required me to have an annotated bibliography for my side but he wouldn’t come up with anything at all to support his side. He just wanted to shoot down my examples. He said