Bromona Quimby

You’re leaving out a few things. Her fawning praise of Biden, for years, to anyone who would listen, never dropping anything negative about her time at his office. The massive support from the extreme right Her ass licking sycophantic love and fantasies about manly, sensitive Putin and why ameriakkkan women are heads

That’s not “testimony” though. Does someone need to buy you a fucking dictionary?

You do have to do a lot of mental gymnastics if your goal is to try and develop a rational framework for buttressing their accusation.

Now playing

They’re just laying the groundwork to either steal the election, or if that doesn’t work, claim election fraud. This is part of sowing the discord early in order to gain momentum for the false narrative. We could all save ourselves a lot of hand wringing if we (i.e. media) could just figure this out already:

Actually, a lot of us felt sorry for Monica Lewinsky at the time. My anger was directed at Clinton’s stupidity of handing himself over to the right wing nuts and at Linda Tripp for pretending to be Lewinsky’s friend while she was busy selling her out. 

there are absolutely vindictive, deceitful, possibly mentally ill women in the world who have been assaulted (without question, as there are men who prey on them specifically)

I think you meant to say “It’s nice to see the crazy left and crazy right come together to push crazy theories.”

These incidents further indicate she has a habit of lying. Also the fact that she spoke highly of Biden back then, and used it to ingratiate herself to people. 

Yep, the recent add to Netflix is the entirety of the series. All five seasons, including the Yahoo season.

I agree that the location cards have gotten too clever by half.

I know it probably has nothing to do with anything, but the slam-on chapter & location titles have gotten a little loosey-goosey these last two episodes.

I would add Sony WHXB900N:

I would add Sony WHXB900N:

I personally don’t think it’s wrong to wish ill on any monster and believe me, Trump, Pence, and the Millers are true monsters.

Not really. Evil people should not be encouraged. If someone said back in 1943 that Hitler should die... would you chastise them?

Just remember people, it doesn’t have to be true, it just has to go viral.

And the female lawyers and journalists who are actually working to bring these cases to light don’t say, “Believe women” means, “Every accusation is the absolute truth, full stop.”

This sounds typical for the left-wing playbook. “Oh, we don’t have the votes to elect our preferred candidates, and the vast majority of Americans overwhelmingly reject our policy positions? Then burn it all down!!” Mature.

I am a young American graduate student from the state of Iowa.